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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒷ℴ𝓃𝓃𝒾ℯ𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

The sun is going down and everyone went back inside. Me and toy Chica go upstairs with Paris for a bit.

"I'm so tired after today" toy Chica says flopping down on the bed tiredly.

Paris has fallen asleep on me so I gently place her down into her travel cot that's beside the bed.

Toy Chica and I are still in our swimsuits because it's still hot. Toy Chica looks so stunning in her swimsuit.

I feel a smirk creep onto my face. I crawl on top of toy Chica that's laying on the bed. I feel her body go rigid underneath me.

"Your birthday is coming up next week" toy Chica says smiling up at me. "I know" I say looking down at toy Chica as I straddle her.

"What do you want??" she says putting her hands on my bare chest. Whenever toy Chica touch's me it makes my body go crazy.

"You..just you" I breathe as I lean down to her neck and start kissing her soft neck.

Toy Chica gasps from my touch making me smile. I hold onto toy Chicas hips as I grind myself on her womanhood.

Toy Chica moans quietly as she wraps her arms around my neck. I suck and nibble her neck and shoulders until a love bite appeared.

"Is the door locked??" I ask toy Chica. "I don't think so" she says getting up from the bed and walks over to the door to lock it.

Toy Chica walks back over to the bed and takes off her bikini top at the same time. I pin her down playfully and start kissing down her slim sexy body.

I stop at her stomach and just place little kisses on it. I'm getting more hard when toy Chica moans my name.

I skim my lips on toy chicas skin as I go back up to her face. We close the gap between us hungrily.

Her kisses give me life and energy, I kiss her perfectly good lips roughly. I run my fingers through her hair.

She slides her tongue into my mouth and I do the same. Toy chicas legs hug my waist tightly as she holds onto my biceps.

Toy Chica pulls down my swimming trunks impatiently, I kick the swimming trunks off the bed.

I slowly pull off the last bit of toy chicas bikini before she is completely naked.

"Hurry up!!" Toy Chica whines. I smirk as I peck toy Chica lips twice.

I enter toy Chica roughly making toy chicas eyes widen. Toy Chica moves her hips in sync with mine.

I grunt as I speed up more. Toy Chica whimpers from pleasure. "O-oh my g-god"~ toy Chica moans.

I lift toy chicas leg up and rest it on my shoulder as I fuck her sidewards. Toy Chica grips the duvet cover tightly.

I love you so fucking much I breath as I kiss toy chicas lips. She kisses me back with the same mount of passion.

Toy Chica pulls apart from the kiss and pushed me back onto the bed. I lay on the bed and toy Chica starts to ride me.

I bite down on my lips as I hold toy Chica hips "Toy Chica"~ I groans as my eyes roll to the back of my head

I come in toy Chica, toy Chica slow down the pace. Toy Chica comes after me, I sigh in relief.

"How can Paris still be asleep after my loud moaning" toy Chica laugh burying her face into the pillow.

"She obviously a deep sleeper like me" I say pulling toy Chica closer.

"Im so tired I might go to sleep" toy Chica says getting under the covers.

I do the same and snuggle close to her, toy Chica rests her head on my chest and closes her eyes.

•𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓃ℯ𝓍𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎•

I wake up with toy chicas legs wrapped around my waist tightly and her arms locked around my chest.

When toy chicas sleeps she always holds me really tight and sometimes it's hard to get up.

Toy chicas face is buried into my chest. I can feel her breathing on my stomach.

I give toy Chica a kiss on her forehead gently, toy Chica smiles slightly in her sleep.

I wiggle out of her grip slowly trying not to wake the sleeping bear. I get out of bed and toy Chica groans in her sleep obviously knowing that I'm not in bed.

She grips the covers and goes back to sleep. I walk to Paris's travel cot and see her awake playing with her toy.

I put on some boxers and lift Paris out of her travel cot. I walk out of the room and quietly close the door behind me.

I hear some voices down stairs I guess the others are up. I walk into the living room where toy Freddy, foxy, mangle, Chica, Freddy and Bonnie are.

"Sup toy Bon?" bonnie says as I sit down next to foxy on the sofa, "Hey" I smile.

"We all heard you two last night mangle" giggles along with Chica. "What??" I say in confusion not getting what mangles saying.

"Dude we heard you two banging last night" foxy laughs. Slight embarrassment fills my body, "You can't tell toy Chica she will get so embarrassed" I say.

"No we won't but you two where so loud poor pairs" foxy chuckles. "Harder harder harder!!" Freddy says trying to imitate toy Chica.

"The headboard was going" toy Freddy laughs, "Ok ok!!I get it" I say getting up and walking into the kitchen to heat up a bottle of milk for Paris.

I sit back down on the sofa and start feeding Paris. Then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I swear to god you promise me you won't say shit to toy Chica" I say turning to the others that are sitting there smiling and trying not to laugh.

"Ok ok we won't" mangle says seriously. "Hey beautiful" I say happily as toy Chica walks over to us.

"Why didn't you wake me up" toy Chica says sitting down next to me. "Because you probably would of smacked me" I say.

"Aww Paris is holding you pinky finger" toy Chica squeal. "She always does when I feed her" I say smiling down at my daughter.

"Foxy can we have a baby??" mangle begs. I don't know foxy says smirking at her. "Trust me you think your going to be really bad parents but when I gave birth to Paris I fell in love with her straight away" Toy Chica says

After I burped Paris i passed her to toy Chica, "Yours getting so chunky!" Toy Chica says kissing Paris cheek.

"Your so Scrumptious"  toy Chica says, I smile at the two. "Who's ready to sunbathe??" mangle says happily.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now