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Couple of days later we all went home. The little get away holiday was the best thing, it was so fun.

I'm definitely going to miss it

We got home an hour ago and I'm on my MacBook and Tate is sitting next to me. It's toy Bonnies birthday coming up in a week and I want to get him a new car.

He loves his blue mustang and he can keep it but I think he should have two cars. I'm thinking of getting him a BMW i8 in blue, he will love it.

I'm on the BMW website looking at all the different cars. I order the car so it will be ready by next week to pick up.

I pay the money with my bank cared. "Buying some stuff??" Toy Bonnies says smiling as he holds Paris.

"Y-Yeah why not" I stutter from shock just in case he saw what I was buying for his birthday.

"So your birthday is coming up in a week do you want a house party or just stay home??" I ask as I close my laptop.

"Ummm..I don't really want a big party and invite people from school because I don't want something bad to happen like last time where you nearly ripped baby's head off" toy Bonnies says smiling.

"So you want to stay home??" I ask, "yeah just me, you and our princess" toy Bonnie says kissing Paris's cheek.

I smile and get up from the sofa and wrap my arms around toy Bonnie. "I love you" I say smiling up at him.

"Love you" toy Bonnie says kissing my nose. "Look at our gorgeous baby" I say taking Paris from toy Bonnie and kissing her cheek.

Paris holds onto my tighter, "I want to squeeze you so tight" I say hugging Paris's from cuteness.

"Come let's go into the bedroom for a bit" toy Bonnie says. I walk into the bedroom with toy Bonnie and lay down on the bed.

I gently place Paris in between us on the bed. "She's getting so big" I say kissing her nose making Paris smile.

"I know, I don't want her to get bigger" toy bonnie says sadly. I feel something get on the bed I turn my head and see Tate.

I lay on my back and open my arms up waiting for Tate to lay on top of me. Tate has definitely got much bigger he's like a big hairy bear now.

Tate lays on top of me, I wrap my arms around him and start stroking his head. "I love my doggo so much!" I say playing with his big floppy ears.

My attention is drawn to Paris when I start hearing her crying. "Why you cry bubba?" I ask knowing that she isn't going to answer me.

"I think she's jealous of Tate getting the kisses and cuddle" toy bonnie smiles down at Paris as he wipes Paris's tears from her face.

Tate gets up and goes and lays on toy Bonnie. "Don't cry my love" I say lifting Paris up and laying her down on my chest.

Paris stops crying and lays her head on my chest and hugs me tightly. "She's definitely a mummy's girl" toy Bonnie says playing either tates ear.

"I think she's more of dadda's girl because Paris always smiles when she sees you and she never wants to let go when you put her down" i say smiling down at Paris.

"She's very clingy" toy Bonnie says. Toy Bonnie pulls me close to him and closes the gap between us.

I kiss back straight away holding the side of his face. Toy Bonnie kisses me slowly and gently. toy Bonnies kisses are the best. Ever.

I tangle my legs up with his and hold him closer. Paris is stuck in between me and toy bonnie.

I pull apart slightly but my lips go back for more. After a make out session I turn the tv on and watch a movie.

Paris has fallen asleep on toy Bonnies chest as I'm resting my head on toy Bonnies arms.

"Come on pick a movie" I say scrolling through Netflix. "I don't know what to watch" toy Bonnie says.

"Ok well I'm going it pick on then" I say selecting split.

The movie starts and I cuddle closer to toy bonnie. Toy Bonnie holds me close with on arm and the other is on Paris back.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now