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Toy Bonnies pov

I only had two hour sleep last night. I have been up all night worried where toy chica is. I need to meet one of Vincent's mates so they can tell me where he lives.

Vincent could be doing anything to toy Chica right now and I'm not there to stop him. His hands could be all over her doing god knows what.

Just thinking about it makes me angry and sick to the stomach. If Vincent hurts toy chica in anyway his going to wish he wasn't even born.

I look down beside me and see that Paris is still asleep. Her head is right below my left arm that's resting on the billow and my right arm is resting on her stomach gently.

The only thing that's keeping me stable is Paris. If Paris wasn't here I think I would go mental.

I break out of my thought when I see Paris opening her eyes. A smile spreads across Paris's face as she looks up at me.

Hi precious I say pecking her nose. Paris eyes squint shut as I smoother her in kisses. Paris makes a little noise as she smiles.

I get out of bed and lift Paris up. I carry her down stairs and got into the kitchen. I heat up some milk for Paris and start feeding her.

After feeding Paris I change her nappy and her get her dressed. After I brush my teeth and get change grab my car keys and go to my car.

I put Paris in her car seat that's in the back of the car, I buckle her up. I put a little blanket over her and pass Paris her soft carrot toy that she loves.

I close the back door and get into the front. I managed to get in contact with one of Vincent's mates that I'm going to meet so he can tell me where he live.

Vincent's mates name is jack his a druggie of course but he goes to the same school as me so I have seen him around a couple of times.

I drive down a long country road that leads to the place that I'm meeting jack. I pull into the abandon wear house car park.

I'm guessing this is where people go to get smacked off their tits. I see jack standing near his car as I park my car.

I get out and close the door. I haven't seen you in time toy Bonnie jack says coming over to me.

I left school early because I have a daughter now I say leaning against the boot of my car.

Congrats man, so why do you need Vincent's adress? Jack asks.

He took my fiancée and you are the only person I really know that's friends with Vincent and would prefer to ask i say.

What do you mean by took? Jack asks. He kidnapped her because he is out of his head I say.

Wow thats fucked up, I haven't seen Vincent in ages. So this is his address and the street name jack says writing it down on a piece of paper.

Thanks jack I say taking the piece of paper from him. Anytime he says walking into the abandon wear house.

I get back into my car and drive home.

Toy chicas pov

I have been locked in this room for what feels like for ages. I'm so hungry and thirsty, Vincent hasn't came down since he threw me on the floor.

In this dark room I can see a bruise on my arms from where I landed.

I just want to go home and be with toy Bonnie and my baby. I haven't slept, I'm cold because I'm sitting on hard cold floor. I'm only wearing my pyjama shorts and a white tank top.

My eyes sting from crying, It feels like all my energy has been washed out of me.

I break from my thought when the basement door opens. Vincent walks down the steps slowly.

My heart races in my chest because I don't know what he is gonna do. Good morning beautiful Vincent says.

I cringe at the nickname because only toy Bonnie calls me beautiful and when toy bonnie calls me beautiful there is love and gentleness in his voice but Vincent.  its cold as ice.

Don't call me that I say. I can call you whatever i want because truly your mine, you always have been Vincent says standing in front of me.

I get up from the floor and look up at him. You never loved me when we was dating, I'm never gonna be yours you disgusting piece of shit I say through greeted teeth.

The all of a sudden his hands strike me across the face. I hold the side of my face as my cheek stings.

I'm sorry baby Vincent says pulling me close by my hips. Get off me you prick!! I shout pushing him away.

Don't you dare push me!! Vincent raises his voice as he grab my wrist tightly.

Don't touch me then I won't!! I yell hitting him across the face.

Vincent Rubs his cheek where I hit him. You bitch his shouts as he punches me across the face. Vincent doesn't stop there, he throws me into the hall as I hit my back.

I fall to the floor in pain as I feel him kick me in the side. Dont you ever hit me beautiful because I will kill you with my bare hands Vincent's whispers in my ear.

I'm glade that I'm facing the wall so he doesn't see me crying. I hear Vincent walk out of the room and close the door behind him.

I use my arms to sit up. Fuck i hiss as I pull up my tank top and see a big red mark there from where Vincent kicked me.

I can't hold my tears in any longer and i start breaking down into tears.


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