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Toy Chica pov

In about half an hour our friends are coming over. I'm on the sofa watching tv and toy Bonnie is having cuddle time with Paris next to me. Tate jumps up onto the sofa and walks over to toy bonnie and Paris. Toy Bonnie moves out of the way so Tate can snuggle but he ends up taking up the whole space.

Well I guess my cuddle time is up toy bonnie says looking at Tate and Paris. Tates head is resting above Paris's and has his paw resting on her stomach.

Awww I say, toy Bonnie smirks as he pulls me close to him. I smile as toy Bonnie berries his face into the side of my neck.

Can you tell me why your so goddamn beautiful toy bonnie says as he starts to give my neck little kisses.

I don't know I say smiling. I move my head and push toy Bonnie gently backwards on the sofa so his laying down.

I climb onto his lap and sit on his crotch. Can you tell me why your so sexy I say biting my bottom lip.

Toy Bonnie leans in and kisses me. I close my eyes and kiss back. I wrap my arms around his neck.

Toy Bonnie holds my hips as he snakes his tongue into my mouth. I quickly slide my tongue into his mouth as I start to kiss rougher.

All of a sudden my phone starts ringing. I pull away and toy Bonnie sighs. It's mangle I say as I answer it.

Hello? I say down the phone. Hey what floor are you on mangle asks. The fifth floor I say, ok see you in a minute I say ending the call.

They're here I say getting off toy Bonnies lap.
I pick up Paris and put her in her swing because she's fallen asleep.

Shall I get it toy bonnie says as there was a knock at the door. How does mangle know our door number? I ask

I told foxy toy Bonnie says sitting up. Ok I say as walk quickly to the door to answer it.

Hiii!!! Mangle squeals picking me up and giving me a tight hug. My feet are off the floor because I'm so short.

I can't breathe I say. Oops sorry mangle says smiling. Hi foxy I smile, hey chi he smiles back.

Where are the others I ask as I let them in. They will be here in a minute they are running late mangle says.

Mangle walks into the living room and she spots Paris in her swing asleep. Mangle eyes widen, oh..my..goodness she quietly squeals because Paris is asleep.

She's so cute mangles says. You can hold her if you want i says walking over to Paris and lifting her out of her swing.

I walk back over to mangle and pass Paris to mangle. Paris head rests on mangle shoulder as she holds onto mangles top.

Pairs starts to wake up. She looks up at mangle longingly, She's staring at you I say smiling.

Mangle glances down at Paris, Omg mangle squeals. She's so beautiful, can I take her home with me? Mangle jokingly asks.

No mangle we ain't taking home there daughter foxy chuckles. All of a sudden there's another knock at the door.

That must be the others toy Bonnie says walking over to the door. Seconds later The other walk into the living room.

Hi guys I smile as Chica comes over to give me a hug. I hug her back, omg is that Paris? Chica says with wide eyes as she sees Paris in mangles arms.

Yeah after mangle is finished hugging Paris you all can get to hold her i say. You all are going to be waiting for a long time because I ain't letting go of her mangle says.

Sorry about not coming around I'm been so busy toy Freddy says. It's ok man toy Bonnie says.

Come on now mangle the others want to hold Paris now foxy says. Mangle leans in and kisses Paris forehead not breaking contact with everyone else.

My precious mangle says. I laugh and shake my head. Some time later toy bonnie eventually got mangle to let go of Paris.

Once everyone had a cuddle with Paris I passed her back to mangle. I'm arranging a big party on Sunday everyone from school is coming so you two are definitely coming mangle says.

Who's going to look after Paris I say. Your mum mangle suggests. Yeah ok fine I smile, great mangle says.

How comes Paris likes you so much she cried when I was holding her foxy says

Because she loves me that's why mangle says sticking her tongue out playfully.

Let's just hope toy Freddy doesn't throw up at this part Freddy says smirking. Hey!! It was not my fault toy Freddy says.

It kinda was man, you drank a whole bottle of vodka straight you didn't mix it with coke or anything bonnie says.

I have to mix that shit toy Bonnie says. Only you would do that sort of thing I say smiling at toy Freddy.

Well I am a party animal toy Freddy says. You don't say everyone says at the same time.


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