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𝒯ℴ𝓎 ℬℴ𝓃𝓃𝒾ℯ𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

I wake up from the sun hitting my face I groans and cover my eyes. I look down and see Toy Chicas snuggles up to me fast asleep.

I smile down at her but I look straight back up as I hear the bedroom door open. I look at the door and see Paris standing in the door way as the door slowly opens.

"Dada" Paris says as she walk in the bedroom shutting the door behind her as she carries her carrot teddy to the bed.

"You keep climbing out of your cot" I chuckle slightly. Paris puts her teddy on the bed so she can get up.

Paris tries to lift herself up onto the bed, I just watch to see if she can do it or not. Paris glares angrily at the bed and starts crying because she can't get up.

"Shhh shhh it's ok princess" I smile lifting her up onto the bed. She lays down on my chest after grabbing her carrot toy.

It looks like Paris came into our bedroom so she can fall to sleep next to us.

I haven't told Toy Chica yet but I go her an appointment with therapist.

She said she wants to talk to someone about what's been going on with Vincent and the past with him. All Toy Chica wants is to be able to talk about her problems without getting upset and get its off her chest and the appointment is this Monday.

Anyways I don't want to think about that good for nothing prick.

Today our friends are coming over, Toy Chica and I can't wait. After sometime Toy Chica still hasn't woken up so I decide to go down stairs with Paris.

I open the bedroom door as Paris starts running down the hallway holding her carrot teddy.

I quietly close The bedroom door. "Paris wait for dadda so I can carry you down the stairs" I say.

She's so adorable in her pink baby grow. Paris has her arms up waiting for me to carry her down stairs.

"Your growing up so quickly my love" I say kissing her cheek. When I reach to the end of the stairs I put Paris down.

Paris walks off into the living room holding her carrot teddy in on hand and dragging her blanket which she calls binky in the other.

"Mr Jones would you like something to eat?" one of the maids asks. "No I'm fine but can you do Paris a warm milk bottle please?" I ask.

"No problem sir" the maid said as she walks to the kitchen. Toy Chica brought Paris some baby food for her to start eating so she's gonna see if she likes it.

I walk into the living room to see Paris playing with her Toys. "What you playing with bubba?" I ask gently as I sit on the floor with Paris.

"I'm playing with my toys" Paris says not taking her eyes off her buildings blocks. I smile as I watch my daughter peacefully play with her blocks.

"Dada can build to" Paris says as she hands me a red block. "Thank you princess" I say as I start to build my own tower.

To be honest I love playing with Paris's toys they're just so fun. "Am I interrupting something??" I hear a voice say.

I look up and see Toy Chica standing in the doorway smiling. I smile back at her "no your not" I say.

"Mama" Paris says, "yes my love" Toy Chica smiles at Paris. Paris walks over to Toy Chica putting her arms up.

"Up up" Paris says telling Toy Chica to pick her up.

𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now