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I open my eyes and look around to see the slight bit of sunlight coming through the curtains.

I feel my stomach flutter remembering last night. It was so wild I freaking loved it we haven't made love like that in a long time.

I check the time on my phone and see it's nearly eight in the morning. Toy Bonnies arms are tightly wrapped around me showing no signs of letting go.

I feel the soreness in between my legs as I move. Fuck was he really that rough last night? But I would have this soreness in between my legs everyday if it meant to make love that wild every night.

I slowly wiggle out of this grip trying not to wake him up. I walk Into the en-suite and close the door for a shower.

All I need to do is turn on the water and step in because I'm already naked. My eyes widen when I look at my reflection.

Wow there are so many love bites on my neck, breasts, stomach and right down near my hips.

My lips are still red from last night as well. We where making out pretty roughly. I look like a mess I just need to get in the shower and get clean.

I turn on the hot water and step in. I wash my body and my hair, after shaving my legs and other parts of my body I step out.

I turn the water off then walk over to the sink to clean my teeth and do my everyday facial routine aka cleansing, toning and moisturising.

I step out of the bathroom and walk over to my wardrobe and pick out an outfit. After picking out a cute outfit for today I go to my makeup table.

After doing my everyday makeup I realise that Toy Bonnie isn't in bed he must of gone down stairs or something

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After doing my everyday makeup I realise that Toy Bonnie isn't in bed he must of gone down stairs or something.

I walk to Paris's room and she's not in bed either, Toy Bonnie must taken her down stairs with him.

I walk down the stairs and walk Into the kitchen Where Toy Bonnie has Paris laying on his chest as her head in resting on his shoulder.

Toy Bonnie is rocking side to side gently as he opens the fridge looking for something to eat. All he is wearing is a pair of grey Nike tracksuit bottoms.

His bare back is to me and every time he moves to grab something from the counter I can see more of his back muscles.

My mouth is watering but I come back to reality when I see Toy Bonnie turn around.

A peace of bread falls from his mouth onto the floor and just stare at me with his jaw dropped making me blush.

"What?" I say grinning, "fuck me are you even real?" Toy Bonnie says biting his bottom lip.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now