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Toy chicas pov

I'm laying on the sofa with Paris as toy bonnie is in the shower. Paris's head is resting on tates stomach.

Paris fiddles with Tates fur as she try's not to fall asleep. I smile as I get up and walk to the kitchen to get something to drink.

I grab a glass from the cupboard and turn on the tap and fill it up with water. I pull the glass away from my lips when I hear footsteps in the living room.

I put the glass in the sink and walk out of the kitchen. The thing that's making me worried is that I can still hear the shower water running.

I walk Into the living room and I couldn't not believe me freaking eyes. My heart dropped and it felt like I was gasping for air.

V-Vincent?? I stutter as i start to panic. Vincent smirks at me evilly.

I run to get Paris but Vincent stops me. Don't move I only want you not your daughter Vincent says.

W-what? Is all I can say. If you don't come with me I will force you and that would not be pretty for you or your daughter. Would it now??

I swear if you touch her-!! i shake in fear. Don't worry baby girl I won't Vincent say.

Now come with me Vincent says. I glance at the sofa that I'm so close to. I run to get Paris but Vincent grabs me puts  as cloth over my nose and mouth.

I try and break from his grip but it's to strong. My vision become blurry as I try my hardest to scream out to toy Bonnies but I feel weak and soon as I know it i black out.

Toy Bonnies pov

I turn the shower tap off and step out of the shower. I dry myself and get change into a t-shirt and some sport shorts.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room. Toy Chica?! I call out wondering where she is.

I wait for a response but they isn't one. I call out for her again but she doesn't answer.

I start to panic, I run over to Paris that is fast asleep on Tate. I pick her up and hold her close.

Something on the table catches my attention, it's a note. I pick it up and read.


I have taken toy Chica so if you want to see her again you have to give me five billion pound to get her back. If you don't do as I say I will send a video of me killing her and then next I will
Kill you precious daughter. So do as I say and give me the money.

My heart is pounding in my chest as I drop the piece of paper. Who the fuck has taken toy Chica!?

I can get the money easily but where is she?? I told her she will be safe here now I feel like I have broke a big promise.

How can I let this happen. If I wasn't in the shower this wouldn't of happened.

I start to panic even more. Then I spot something else on the table that I don't recognise.

Vincent's keys?!!!!

I fucking knew it, it was that fucking prick. How dare he hasn't he learned his lesson, obviously not.

I'm going to kill him with my bare hands.

I'm running on anger and worry now. I hold Paris even more close to me as I pick up my phone and ring my dad.

I get impatient in one second because my dad doesn't pick up. My dad finally picks up, hello? My dad says.

Dad something bad has happened!! I say down the phone. What happened is everything ok??? My dad asks.

No!! I say getting angry, toy Chica has been taken away and I don't know where she is!! I say biting my finger nail as I get even more nervous.

Oh my shall I call police? My dad asks. Call everyone the police get a search team out for her!! I say  angrily.

Toy Bonnies you need to calm down everything will be ok is Paris ok?? My dad asks. Yes I say taking a deep breathe even know it feels like I'm shallowing needles.

Alright stay calm don't do anything crazy I'm coming round my dad says before handing up.

I can hold my anger in any longer so I throw my phone at the wall. I breathe in and out sharply.

Right now it feels like I can't think or do anything, All of a sudden Paris starts crying.

No no I'm sorry baby, don't cry I say kissing her head. She probably woke up because of my shouting and smashing my phone.

It's ok I say rocking side to side gently. Paris starts to calm down after a bit.

I'm not letting you out of my sight for a minute until I find mummy and I'm going to kill who even has take her away from us say pecking her cheek.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now