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A week had passed and Paris is ready to go home. Throughout the week our friends came to visit along with my mum and Toy Bonnies dad.

This pass week was stressful but we made it through and Paris is better than she was and ready to go home.

The nurse came in to unattached the IV from her and gave use some medication for Paris to take while home.

As me and Toy Bonnie was in hospital my mum got a moving truck to our old apartment and moved our stuff to our new mansion.

After we packed all of our stuff we are ready to leave. "I can't wait to go home to our new house" Toy Bonnie says happily carrying Paris's car seat.

"I know bebe, I can't wait to get Paris home to" I say as I take hold of Toy Bonnie free hand as we walk out of the hospital.

As we drive home Paris falls asleep because it's getting late. Toy Bonnie has hired a chauffeur, maids, cooks, butler and other staff for our new house which I didn't know about.

Toy Bonnie also hired a nanny for Paris when we go out just the two of use but she's will come when need be.

After a half an hour drive we arrive at our new house. Toy Bonnie drives down a pathway surrounded by trees leading to a big black gate.

As we pull up to the close gate Toy Bonnie puts in a code on a silver keypad and all of a sudden the gate opens.

"The code is Paris's date of birth" Toy Bonnie says driving towards the house. After Toy Bonnie parks the car and turns off the engine we get out of the car.

I unbuckle Paris and lift her out trying not to wake her along with her teddy and blanket. Toy Bonnie gets our bag of stuff for when we was staying at the hospital.

After locking the door up we walk toward our house. Two security guards are standing on either side of the door.

Not gonna lie I'm actually happy that Toy Bonnie hired security guard because then We feel more safe.

"Good to see you three home Mr Jones" one of the security guards say making me shocked for some reason.

"Thank you" Toy Bonnie says as we enter the mansion. "That was nice of him to say" I say smiling.

Before Toy Bonnie could answer a old man in a black suite waddles over. "I will take your bags sir" the man says.

"Thank you Garry" Toy Bonnie says. "Beautiful this is our butler" Toy Bonnie says introducing me to our new butler.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs Jones" the adorable old man says gently. "Nice to meet you to Garry" I say smiling.

Garry smiles back as he passes our bags to one of the maids. We make our way up the big staircase.

We walk into Paris's room "I forgot how beautiful this room is" I whisper because Paris is asleep.

"Fit for a princess" Toy Bonnie says closing her curtains. "Bebe wake up so I can feed you" I whisper gently.

Paris eyes flutter open as she slightly whines. I take my top off and pull down my bra to breastfeed Paris.

When I feel Paris mouth on my breast she starts drinking the milk. "I can't wait to cuddle you tonight and actually get some sleep" Toy Bonnie says walking over to me to give me a kiss.

I smile as I close my eyes and kiss back. I pull away from the kiss quickly, "Ouch Paris your biting" I hiss in pain.

"Don't hurt mummy princess" Toy Bonnie says. After a couple of minutes Paris has had enough milk. I burp her before changing Pairs's nappy and putting her into her pjs.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now