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Toy Chica pov

I wake up with a banging headache. Fuck I hiss as I rub my head.

I look around me, I'm in a dark room. Then I remember Vincent kidnapping me.

I frantically look down at what I'm wearing, I sigh in relief that I still have my clothes on. I get up and rush to the door. I don't get far because something Is holding me back.

My eyes widen when I see that I'm chained to the wall. What the actual fuck who has chains.

I start to panic as I pull at the handcuffs around my wrists. I don't even know where I am right now I could be at Vincent's house or on a boat or even underground.

The chains are connected to the wall. I walk over to the wall and see if they are weak enough to break. I try and pull on the chain but it's hard as rock.

I jump when i hear the door open. I squint my eyes as light shines through the dark room.

Vincent steps into the room and walks over to me. I back into the corner of the room wanting to be far away from him as possible.

Where the fuck am I!! I shout. Your in my basement sweetheart Vincent says coming closer to me.

My heart beats faster when I see him walk closer to me. I can't go anywhere because I'm chained to the fucking wall!!

Your one sick bastard you one that I sneer at him. I thought you loved me Vincent says getting a key to unlock the handcuffs.

Don't get to excited because I'm unlocking the handcuffs i only chained you up because you was out of it Vincent says. 

When I'm free from the handcuffs I make a run to the door. But sadly Vincent catches me and throws me on the floor.

You fucking slag you really thought you could get out?? Vincent asks.

I look up at him, that's a day without food and water Vincent says walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I get up and run to the door and banging on it. Vincent lets me go!!! I shout banging my hands on the door.

The door is thick wood and it hurts my hands as I'm hitting the door but I don't care.

Please! I say as I start crying. I slide my back down the wall and I cry into my hands.

Toy Bonnies pov

There is police inside the apartment asking me and my dad question. I put Paris in her cot as one of my dad security guard stands outside her bedroom.

Paris's bedroom window is locked and if the security guard hears anything he will tell me and I will have a look, plus Tate is laying next to her cot so he will bark if he hears something as well.

So can you tell me where you was when this happened the police officer. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration because I told him at least five times.

I was in the shower and my fiancée was sitting on the sofa with out daughter. And you said the person that has taken her you know who he is the officer asks.

Yes! the dumb fuck left his keys behind I say holding them on the end of my finger like they stink.

Do you know where he lives?? the officer asks me. No I don't but I can get his friends to tell me I say.

Thanks you that all we need for now the officers smiles gently. "Toy Bonnies" I hear someone call me.

I turn around and see bill my dads security guard, Is everything ok?? I ask panicking.

Everything is fine, I think Paris is awake I can hear her crying he says. Ok thank you for letting me know i say as I walk into her room.

I walk over to her cot and pick her up. I think Paris can tell there is something going on.

It's ok I'm here I say gently rubbing her back. I told our friends about toy Chica missing and they are worried sick.

I'm getting texts from them saying do they need to come round and help but I thank them and say it's fine I will tell them if anything else happens.

Our friends hasn't seen our daughter yet because they have been so busy with family stuff and school, also wanting me and toy Chica spend time with pairs.

But I'm not worried about that right now I'm worrying about where the hell toy Chica is.

Dad can you heat up a milk bottle for pairs please I say. Yeah sure toy Bonnie my dad says walking into the kitchen.

As toy Chica isn't here and she can't breastfeed Paris. I got my dad to stop off at the shop to get some formula baby milk so I can feed her.

My dad passes me the warm milk bottle. I lay Paris on my arm and feed her. I smile down at her as Paris puts her little hand over my fingers as I'm holding the bottle.

Toy bonnie you can stay back at home until we find toy Chica and i got a room done for pairs my dad says.

Yeah I think I might and Paris won't be sleeping in a room by herself she will be sleeping with me i say.

Alright my dad say. My eye widen when the milk bottle is empty. Wow you drank that quick I say putting the bottle down and laying Paris on my chest as I burp her.

Soon after the police leave and so does my dad. I walk into me and toy chicas bedroom room and lay on the bed with pairs.

It's been such a long day and I need some sleep, if i can sleep that is.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now