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Toy Bonnies pov

Today I'm "visiting" Vincent in prison because I'm going to have a little "chat" with him.

I can't tell toy Chica because she won't let me go. Right now I'm on the sofa bottle feeding Paris.

Is that nice? I say smiling down at her. Paris likes to hold my finger when I'm feeding her she's just the cutest.

I hear the bedroom door open, I turn my head and see toy Chica walking out sleepy.

Hey sleeping beauty i say getting up as I but the milk bottle down because Paris drunk all the milk. I lay Paris on my chest and rub her back gently.

I'm going to go and get Tate in a minute so I will be back soon I lie . Ok toy Chica says kissing my lips.

I kiss her back gently, hows is my little nugget this morning toy Chica says as she takes Paris from me.

She's good I just fed her i say. Toy Chica holds Paris up to her face and start kissing all over Paris's face.

I..love..you..so..freaking..much toy Chica says in between kisses. Where's my kisses I say playfully as I pucker my lips.

Toy Chica smiles and pecks my lips, that's all your getting toy Chica giggles. Hey!! I laugh pulling toy Chica closer to me as my lips slam onto hers.

Paris is squashed in between us. Toy Chica smiles through the kiss as I kiss her with so much passion.

I pull apart and give toy Chica one last kiss on her nose. I will be back soon I say as I peck Paris's lips.

I grab my car keys and head out of the door. I take the elevator down to the underground car park.

I unlock my car as I walk closer to it. I open the door and get in and drive to the prison that Vincent is in.

The drive wasn't as long as I thought. I get let in the security gate and I drive in.

I park my car and turn the engine off and get out locking my car. I walk to the entrance of the building.

I push the door open and walk to the front desk. I'm here to see Vincent David's I say.

Can i see some ID the man asks. I pull out my ID card and pass it to the man after he takes a quick look he passes it back.

Put this on and follow me the man says passing me a visitors badge. Lucky my dad knows the person who runs this place so I don't have to go through all the security stuff and get searched just in case I'm carrying something illegal.

The man opens the door to the room that Vincent is in. I see Vincent sitting at a table wearing a orange jump suit.

The man closes the door once I'm in the room. Oh it's you Vincent says, I take a seat the opposite side to him.

I'm here to talk to you I say. There is nothing to talk about Vincent says biting his nails.

I clench my fists because I'm getting angry already. Why the fuck did you take toy Chica?? I say.

Because she belong to me and secondly I liked taking my anger out on her Vincent says. I take in a deep breathe trying my hardest to not break his nose.

I wanted it to be me and her again. She always liked it when I pulled her knickers down and enter her, she felt fucking fantastic Vincent smirks.

Wait she lost her virginity to Vincent instead of me???!!!

She gave her virginity to me Vincent says. No she fucking didn't you lying peace of shit i say through greeted teeth.

Wait you think she gave her virginity to you??? Omg she's more of a slag that I actually thought Vincent chuckled.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now