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Toy Bonnies pov

Toy Chica was taken straight to the hospital as quickly as possible. The doctors are checking on her right now.

I'm sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called in to see her. My dad popped back home to get Paris because toy Chica was asking for her and when the nurses said that she's at home toy Chica started crying.

All she wants is her daughter and me. Toy Chica is in a lot of pain as well, there is burn marks on her body from the fire.

Toy Bonnie?? Someone call me, I look up and see the doctor. You can go a see her now he says leading me to the room.

When I open the door toy Chica is just laying there with her eyes closed. She's just relaxing there is nothing to worry about the doctor says as he leaves us be.

How you feel beautiful? I Asks sitting down on the chair next to her bed. They gave me some pain killers toy Chica says quietly.

That's good I say taking her hand in mine. I want you next to me toy Chica says patting the spot next to her on the bed.

I get up and go round to the other side of the bed and get in. I'm so happy that you found me toy Chica says as she wraps her arms around my chest.

You could of died if you didn't get out on time I says as I run my fingers through her hair slowly.

Toy Chica looks up at me and smiles. I smile down at her, we close the gap between each other at the same time.

It feels so much better to have toy Chica back in my arms again knowing she's safe. I hold the side of her face as I kiss her gently.

Toy chica kisses me with the same amount of passion. I'm sorry that this all happened I say pulling apart.

Don't blame yourself it's was not your fault toy Chica says rubbing the side of my neck.

if I wasn't in the shower no of this would of happen- I say but get cut of by toy Chica pressing her index finger onto my lips.

This was no ones fault don't blame yourself she's says as she slides her hand up my t-shirt.

I smirk down at her because of what she's doing. You always get turned on at the worst times I chuckle.

How can I not just look at you toy Chica says rubbing my six-pack as she bites down on her bottom lip.

Knock knock I hear my dad say from behind the door as he knocks twice.

Toy Chica gives me a look that says that she will finish off what she started.

Come in!! I say, my dad opens the door carrying Paris in her car seat. I got a little surprise my dad says.

Omg!! Hi my beautiful baby toy Chica squeals. Paris's face lights up as she's see her mummy, she obviously missed her as well.

My dad get Paris out of her car seat and passes her to toy Chica. How I missed you toy Chica says kissing all over Paris's face.

I laughs as I see Paris's reaction. After toy Chica smothered Paris in kisses she's hold her close to her chest.

Paris rests her head on toy chicas shoulder. Paris plays with toy chicas hair as she holds onto toy Chicas bra strap with her other hand.

Your getting Chunky toy Chica says in a cute baby voice. Her hair Is really thick as well i says as I run my fingers through Paris's hair.

She's so perfect I couldn't ask for a better daughter toy Chica says kissing the side of Paris's head.

Toy Chica holds Paris up in front of her. Paris puts Both of her hands on toy chicas face.

Your daughter is gonna be a beautiful young lady when she's older you better get used to her having a boyfriend Toy Chica say playfully.

Hey, my princess isn't having a boyfriend until she's 20 I say smiling. I'm going to be a overprotective and strict when it comes to boys when Paris is older.

Paris has fallen to sleep on toy Chicas chest. Toy Chica looks sleepy as well, I lay down with her and wrap my arms around toy Chica and Paris as i fall to sleep.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now