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Me and toy Bonnie are still sitting on the wooden garden swing. Paris has fallen asleep on toy Bonnies chest which is the cutest thing ever.

"It's so quiet out here" I say snuggling up to toy bonnie. "I love it because I'm with the two people I love most in this world" Toy bonnie says referring to me and Paris.

"I love you" I say grinning, "I adore you so much" Toy bonnie says kissing my face. My smiles grow even more, "While your away I'm going to search for a nice house out in the country side where no one can find us only if we tell where we live" I say looking up at toy bonnie.

"The only people I want knowing where we are going to live is our friends and our parents" toy Bonnie says seriously.

I nod, "I don't want nothing bad to happen again. It drew the line when Paris went missing now no one is going to find us when we move. Plus we are getting security" I say gently as I hold onto toy Bonnies toned arm.

"Yep nothing bad is gonna happen again and I mean it this time" Toy bonnie says as he starts to play with my hair.

I look up at toy bonnie smiling. Toy Bonnie turns his head and smiles down at me. I move my face closer, closing the gap between us.

Toy Bonnie kisses me back as I nibble gently on this bottom lip pulling on it slightly making him quietly groan.

All of a sudden Paris starts crying. We pull apart smiling, "what's wrong princess?" Toy bonnie asks.

"she's hungry" I say taking her from toy Bonnie. "I can't breastfeed her out here let's go inside" I say getting up from the wooden swing and begin to walk back Inside.

"I'm going upstairs to get Paris stuff so I can change her" I say to toy bonnie after I finish breastfeeding Paris. "Ok beautiful" Toy Bonnie say as he sits back on the sofa Turing the tv on.

I make my way upstairs and into my room. I gently place Paris down on the bed so I can get her stuff. As I look up there is a massive spider on the wall.

"Omg!" I say backing away. I look around for something I can kill the spider with. I grab my can of hairspray and begin walking closer to the spider.

The reason why I got a can of hairspray is that when I spray the fucker it's legs will stick together and won't be able to move.

"Don't eat my face please" I whisper before spraying the spider. I scream loudly as it begins to run across the wall.

I try and throw the can of hairspray at it but sadly I missed. I turn around when I hear my bedroom door swing open.

"Are you ok?! I heard you screaming" toy Bonnie says worriedly. I point at the spider that's on the wall.

Toy Bonnies eyes soften when he sees the spider. "It's only a little spider beautiful" toy Bonnie says.

"Ummm do you see how big it's freaking legs are!?" I say backing away from it. "Why does it smell like hairspray?" Toy bonnie asks.

"I tried to spray it with hairspray so it's legs would get stuck together" I huff. Toy Bonnie laughs as he shakes his head.

Toy Bonnie walks over to the spider and just grabs it off the wall like it's nothing. "What the fuck! How did you just pick that up?" I say keeping my distance.

"I used my hands" toy Bonnie says stating the obvious. "Nnnaahhh" I say sarcastically "I mean don't feel it in your hand?" I say.

"Nope, why do you want to hold it?" Toy bonnie smirks coming closer to me with his fist out.

"Don't come any closer" I say pointing my hairbrush at him. Toy Bonnie chuckles as he throw the spider out the window.

"Now where's knight in shining armours kiss to say thank you for slaughtering the evil Dragon" toy Bonnie says playfully.

I smile at toy Bonnies Childish behaviour, "Thank you my saviour" I giggle as I cup both of his cheeks with my hands and slam my lips onto his. 

Toy Bonnie wraps both of his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I move my hands down from his cheeks and wrap my arms around his neck sinking Into the kiss more.

I slide my tongue into toy Bonnies mouth making him do the same. I quietly squeal when I feel toy Bonnies hands grab my bum and squeeze.

Toy Bonnie slides his hands down my bum to underneath my thighs. I pull apart as I jump up and wrap my legs around toy Bonnies waist.

Toy Bonnie smiles as I go back in for another kiss. I peck his lips before closing the gap between us.

Toy Bonnies hands tighten underneath my thighs as I kiss him gently. Toy Bonnies holds me like I'm a peace of glass, kissing me softly.

Toy Bonnie pulls apart and give my lips one more kiss. "I could kiss your lips all day" Toy bonnie says kissing my cheek.

"I don't want to let go" I say holding onto toy Bonnie tighter as I feel myself slowly sliding down toy bonnie. "Beautiful you need to change Paris" toy Bonnie laughs as I'm still clinging onto toy Bonnie.

"Ok ok ok" I sigh getting off of toy Bonnie. I grab Paris's stuff as toy Bonnie picks up Paris and we head down stairs.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now