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Toy chicas pov

When we got home from the doctors we gave Paris some medicine. It was easier than I actually thought. I though she was going to spit it out or something but pair didn't which was good.

Right now I'm sitting on the sofa breastfeeding Paris. Toy Bonnie has fallen asleep on the sofa, his head is resting on my lap.

It's late and I need to put Paris to bed. I get up trying not to wake toy bonnie up as I move his head off my lap.

I walk into Paris's room and turn on her little moon night light that's on the wall. I gently lay her down in her cot. I pull her blanket over her and kiss her goodnight.

I leave the night light on and walk out of the room closing the door behind me.

I walk over to toy bonnie that is asleep on the sofa. Toy Bonnie I say gently shaking him to wake him up.

Mmmm toy Bonnie hums a response. Go to bed I say, toy Bonnie gets up from the sofa and takes my hand and pulls me into the bedroom.

I can't sleep without you toy bonnie says. I smile as I strip down to my underwear and get into bed.

Is Paris ok toy bonnie ask sleepy and he pulls me closer to him. Yeah I just put her to bed i say snuggling up to toy bonnie.

I gasp quietly as toy Bonnie slaps his hands over my ass and squeeze. Toy Bonnie I whine, you like it really toy bonnie whispers.

I'm going to sleep good night! I say pulling all the covers over my side. I turn away not facing toy Bonnie.

I'm cold toy bonnie says, deal with it I huff playfully. I can sense toy bonnie is smirking, your normally my blanket anyways because you always end up laying on top of me toy bonnie says.

I give in and let toy bonnie have some blanket. I snuggle back up with toy Bonnie, I start falling asleep but wake up when I hear Paris crying.

Toy Bonnie hears her crying as well because he wakes up. Shall I go or? Toy Bonnie asks.

I will I say getting out of bed and walking to Paris's bedroom. I open the door and walk over to Paris's cot.

Aww princess I say lifting her out of her cot. She's calms down when I hold her close, your not well aren't you? I say.

I carry her to my bedroom. I get back into bed as I lay Paris on my chest. It's horrible seeing her like this toy bonnie says.

I know i sigh, i lay Paris in between me and toy bonnie. I kiss her Paris's cheek making her sleepy.

You might get her cold toy bonnie says. I don't care if she has the worse cold ever it couldn't keep me away from my bubba I say giving her lips a little kiss.

Toy Bonnie smiles as he give Paris a kiss on her forehead, After sometime i fall asleep.

•the next morning

I wake up early because I need to give Paris her medicine. As I get out of bed Paris starts crying, shh shh it's ok I say gently trying to calm her so she doesn't wake toy bonnie up.

I carry her into the kitchen. I get her medicine out of the cupboard. I open the bottle and get the syringe and suck up the medicine.

I rest Paris on my right arm as I put the syringe near her mouth. Open I say, Paris moves her head away from the syringe.

I gently and slowly force it into her mouth. I push out the medicine. Well done! I say smiling as I kiss her cheek.

I look like your hungry I say looking down at Paris as she try's to get to my breast.

I pull down one of the trap and start to breastfeed Paris. I rub her back gently as I feed her.

Good morning my gorgeousness i hear toy bonnie say as he walks out of the bedroom.

I grin like a idiot as toy Bonnie kisses my lips, Morning I say back.

How is Paris toy bonnie asks. Yeah she's fine I gave her medicine but she didn't like it but she took it without spitting it out I say.

After you fed her can I have some kisses and cuddles with her toy bonnie says. Yeah of course I say.

After breast feeding Paris I pass her to Toy Bonnie. Oh me goodness toy bonnie says in a baby voice.

Toy Bonnie smothers her face with lots of kisses. Paris is definitely a daddy's girl and will be when she grows up. Toy Bonnie is going to spoil her when she gets older.

I'm going to have a bath and I might as well bath Paris I say.

I walk into the bathroom to fill up the bath. Toy Bonnie carry Paris in and sits on the toilet seat.

Are you doing to get Tate from your dad today because I miss my dog and I want him back I say.

Yeah I will get him after your bath. Ok I say as I  put my hand in the water to check the temperature.

After I put in some bubble bath and the bath is filled up I strip naked and get in. Can you undress Paris and pass her to me I say.

Toy bonnie undresses Paris and passes her to me. I lay her on my chest and sink into the water a bit more so the warm water touches her legs.

Pairs's legs are dangling on either side of me same with her arms and resting her head on my breasts.

She's fell asleep I say smiling holding her head.
Toy Bonnie smiles and sits next to the bathtub, maybe because the bath water is really warms and relaxing toy Bonnie says.

I smile as I kiss the top of her head gently. I splash some warm water on her back so she doesn't get cold.


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