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I wake with my arms around Toy Chicas naked body. I smile as I kiss her arms gently so I don't wake her up.

I stare at my beautiful sleeping wife that's in my arms. I faintly hear little snores as I move a peace of hair out of her eyes.

I hear the bedroom door creak open, I turn my head to look at the door and see Tate walking into the bedroom.

"How the hell did you open the door it was closed?" I whisper to Tate as he jumps onto the bed.

Tate wags his tail as he licks my face. I slowly unwrap my arms around Toy Chica and get out of bed.

I put a pair of boxers on as I walk out of the bedroom with Tate shutting the bedroom door behind me slowly.

I walk down the hallway to my daughters room. Once I reach her door I open it slowly to see if she's awake or not and she is.

Paris is holding onto the cot barricade bars so she can sit up. "Omg Bebe your sitting up" I smile as I walk over to her cot.

Paris coos telling me she wants to be carried. I lift Paris out of her cot and hold her close.

"Your hair is so messy" I say smiling as I kiss her forehead. Paris coos again but it sounds like she's trying to speak but it isn't coming out yet.

"Let's go to mummy so your next to her when she wakes up" I say walking out of Paris's bedroom and down the hallway.

I walk back into the bedroom to see Toy Chica is still asleep. I close the door and get back into bed.

I lay Paris down in between me and Toy Chica. "Your so beautiful just like your mummy" I say stroking Paris's head gently as she bites down on her teething ring.

Toy Chica turns over as her eyes flutter open. "Morning bebe" Toy chica says as she pecks my lips.

"Morning princess" Toy Chica says happily kissing all over Paris's face. Paris whines obviously wanting some milk.

Toy Chica lifts Paris up and places Paris in her lap as Toy Chica starts to breastfeed Paris.

"Paris was sitting up in her cot when I walked in this morning" I say happily. Toy Chica gasps loudly from excitement, "Bebe your growing up to quick" Toy Chica says.

After Toy Chica breastfeeds Paris she burps Paris. "Let's see you sit up bubba" Toy Chica says plopping Paris down in front of us.

Paris sits up for a couple of seconds but tilts to the side making herself laugh. "Practice makes perfect my love" I say smiling at Paris as she rolls onto her belly.

"D-dada" Paris says making me and Toy Chica gasp. "Did Paris just say her first word" Toy Chica says in shock.

"She said dada" I say happily lifting Paris up. "Omg my baby is talking now" Toy Chica squeals.

"dada" Paris says again. "I love you princess" I say kissing her cheek. "Can you say mama?" Toy Chica question gently.

Paris looks at Toy Chica, "dada" Paris says making me chuckle. "I'm the happiest dada in the world right now" I say kissing Paris's nose.

"Who do you want to shower with this morning??" I question. "Dada" Paris says because she can't says mama yet.

"Hey that's not fair you know you she can't say my name" Toy Chica huffs. "Don't worry beautiful we can have a family shower" I say giving Toy Chicas lips little pecks.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now