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Toy chicas pov

I walk over to see if paris is ok. I smile down at her as she playing with her stuffed toy.

Hiii my love i squeal as i lift her up out of her carseat.

A smile spreads across her little face. Omg your so gorgeous i say pecking her lips.

I feel toy bonnie wrap his arms around my waist from behind me.
Your skirt hasn't been probably pulled down toy bonnie says pulling the back of my skirt down.

Paris rests her head on my breasts as i hold her close to me.

Thank you i blush turning around to face toy bonnie.

Paris is falling asleep again toy bonnie says smiling. I love her so fucking much i says kissing her head.

Toy bonnie pulls me into a kiss. I smile happily and kiss him back, my dad should be out of his meeting now toy bonnie says.

Toy bonnie takes paris's carseat as i carry her. We take the lift down to the third floor.

The elevator door opens and we walk down the corridor. A man around my age eyes me up and down as we walk past him.

I glance behind me and he is checking out my behind.

Toy bonnie noticed the mans stare and gave him a dirty look as he pulls me close to him.

Im going to get my dad to fire his ass toy bonnie mumble.

You cant get him fired for checking me out i say. Yes i can and i will toy bonnie says.

Ok love i mumble. I see toy bonnies dad talking to one of his co-workers.

Toy bonnies dad sees us and excuses himself. Blakes eyes widens when he sees me carrying paris.

Is that my granddaughter? Toy bonnies dad says smiling. Yes, do you want to hold her?? i say.

Yes please toy bonnies dad says. I gently pass her over to blake trying not to wake her up.

She has toy bonnies lips and nose blake smiles.

We called her paris toy bonnie says. Thats a lovely name blake says not taking his eyes off her.

All of a sudden paris wakes up and realises that shes not being held by me or toy bonnie and starts crying.

Blake trys calming her but paris cries even more. Aww she must want her mummy and daddy toy bonnies dad says passing her back to me.

Shh shh its ok i say softly kissing her cheek as paris rests her head on my shoulder calming down.

We better get doing because we need to get paris home toy bonnies says.

Alright son, i will see you all soon toy bonnies dad says smiling.

Bye i say as i wave. We walk out to the car park. Toy bonnie put paris's carseat in the back and buckles her in.

the drive home was quite quick. Toy bonnie unlocks the front door and we walk into our apartment.

Remember me to get my car tomorrow toy bonnie says. I will i say taking my shoes off.

I walk into our bedroom and get dressed into some pj shorts and a t-shirt.

I walk out of the bedroom and into the livingroom. I lift paris up out of her carseat.

I sit down on the sofa and start breastfeeding her. I rub paris's back gently as she closes her eyes.

After breastfeeding and burping her i lay paris down on the sofa.

I put a pillow behind her head so she isnt laying down completely.

Tate jumps up onto the sofa and walks over to paris. He sniffs her gently and lays his head on her stomach.

Toy bonnie come and look at this!! i call out. Toy bonnie walks into the living room.

Aww paris is starting to get used to tate toy bonnie smiles sitting next to me.

For the rest of the day me and toy bonnie relax and cuddle on the sofa while watching tv


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