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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

My flutter my eyes open when I feel someone's hands touching my face. "Mama" Paris says touching my face.

"Morning my love" I whisper because Toy Bonnie is still asleep. "Your up early" I say brushing back her hair with my fingers.

"Dada" Paris says looking at Toy Bonnie that's asleep with his face in my neck. "Yes it's dada" I say.

Paris puts her hands on my chest and try's lifting herself up on top of me. "Oh nearly bebe" I say as she struggles a little to lay on my stomach.

I don't help her because she getting to the age where she's starting to crawl and move more.

"Well done my love" I say happily as she successfully climbs on top of me. Pairs lays her head on my breasts.

I feel Toy Bonnies hands go under my top and up to my breasts. What is it with these two Paris loves using them as a pillow and Toy Bonnie loves touching them.

All of a sudden I feel Toy Bonnie kissing my neck. "I guess your awake then" I say to Toy Bonnie. He doesn't respond all he does is keep kissing my neck.

I have to admit I love when Toy Bonnie give all his love and affection it makes me feel so giddy.

After sometime Toy Bonnie stops kissing my neck. "Morning gorgeous" Toy Bonnie says kissing my lips.

"Morning bebe" I say kissing him back. "What do you want to do today?" Toy Bonnie asks rubbing his nose on my cheek.

"Umm I don't know maybe I want to snuggle you all day" I say wrapping my arms around Toy Bonnie to cuddle him.

"Uh bebe Paris is squished in between us" Toy Bonnie chuckles. I look down at a sleeping Paris that clinging onto my chest.

"Wait this must be not comfortable let me put her to the side of me with some pillows so she can sleep" I say gently taking her off me so she can sleep more better.

I make pairs comfortable, "there" I smile at what I've done to make Paris comfortable. Tate gets up from where he is and goes to sleep on Paris.

"Tate she ain't a pillow" Toy Bonnie laughs at Tate that has his head on her chest with his paws either side of her.

I climb on top of Toy Bonnie as I lay my head on his chest. Toy Bonnie runs his hands through my hair.

After some time we head down stairs. Toy Bonnie walks into the kitchen as I walk into the living room.

I put Paris on her play mate "I'm going to get you your milk bottle" I smile down at her. Toy Bonnie is leaning on the counter on his phone.

Toy Bonnie looks up from his phone and smiles "I love you" Toy Bonnie says dragging my body close to his as he slams his lips onto mine.

I kiss him back gently as I wrap my hands around his neck. All Is heard is the sound of me and Toy Bonnie kissing.

All of a sudden Toy Bonnie stops. I open my eyes to see why and Toy Bonnie is looking behind me with widen eyes.

I whip my head around to see Paris is standing up holding onto the kitchen door frame looking at us.

"Omg she's walking" I say In shock walking over to her. I put my hands out in front of me to see if she would walk over.

Paris looks at me and takes her hands off the door frame and starts taking slow steps towards me.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now