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"My head" I groans quietly, last night I think I drank too much. My head is resting on toy bonnie chest with my legs wrapped round his waist.

I feel toy Bonnies arms tighten around me not showing any signs of letting go. I smile slightly as I snuggle more into his warm chest.

"Are you awake?" Toy bonnie asks with his eyes still closed, "Yes" I speak. "I got a hangover" I say.

"Same" Toy bonnie says kissing my cheek. "I hope last night was fun because normally you probably would have a party" I say as I draw circle on toy Bonnies bare chest with my index finger.

"My birthday last year I had a party but i was missing some one, I wasn't happy" toy bonnie says.

"If only I knew you last year" I say kissing toy Bonnie chest. "I was a miserable bastard before I met you" Toy bonnie says with a slight chuckle.

"You know I'm never going to leave your side" I say looking up at him. "We have a beautiful baby together and not only that your my fiancé and I love you to much" I says smiling up at him.

Toy Bonnie smiles down at me, "I've already began writing my speech for the wedding it's going to be a long one but it's says how much I love you and much more" toy bonnie smiles as he peck my lips gently.

"I have started writing mine as well" I say kissing toy Bonnie back. "You don't understand how much your kisses give me energy" toy Bonnie says kissing my lips again.

"Just being around you makes me happy" I say kissing toy Bonnie again. I lift myself onto his chest more.

Toy Bonnie holds me close as he rubs my hips. "It's a bit dangerous for you to be naked on top of me" Toy bonnie says kissing my neck.

I teasingly rub my womanhood against his crotch making him groan. "F-fuck~" Toy bonnie breathes.

"Can I make love to you again?" Toy bonnie ask. "Y-yes~" I moan, I feel toy bonnie spreading my legs apart with a little help from me.

I'm sore from last night but I don't care. Toy Bonnie enters me slowly, "T-toy b-bonnie~" I moan as he moves in and out of me at a steady pace.

As I'm on top of him I move my hips in sync with his. I grip onto his shoulders as he goes faster making my legs go weak.

Toy Bonnie holds my hips tight as he slams in and out of me. "Yess!" I moan loudly, toy Bonnie grunts as he goes faster.

Toy Bonnie slaps my ass making me moan. "Say my name!!" Toy bonnie demand.

I bite down on my bottom lip from pleasure, "toy b-bonnie" I moan as I feel myself close to coming.

"I'm the only one that will ever fuck You this hard" toy Bonnie says through gritted teeth. My eyes roll to the back of my head as I come.

Toy Bonnie slows his hips down as I come and after me he comes to.

"How was that for morning sex??" Toy bonnie smiles. "Fucking fantastic" I smile biting down at my bottom lips still feeling a little bit turned on.

"I'm even more sore than I was last night" I say. "I'm sorry I made you more sore I couldn't help myself going hard" toy Bonnie says kissing my nose.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now