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Toy chicas pov

Toy Bonnie carry's me out of the bathroom and Into our bedroom. Toy Bonnie throws me on the bed playfully.

Hey!! I squeal, toy Bonnie crawls on top of me.
I feel so guilty for shouting at you toy bonnie says leaning down to kiss my neck.

I slightly gasp before answering, don't be it's Vincent he got into your head I say.

No I'm a dickhead I can't believe I shouted at you like that toy Bonnies says as he kisses my neck.

Shh it's ok I say moving his head away from my neck gently as I lean in and kiss him slowly.

Toy Bonnie holds me closer as he kisses me back. I get hold of toy Bonnie bottom lip in between my teeth and tug it gently.

I pull away teasingly as toy Bonnie was about to kiss me. I climb onto toy Bonnies lap and sit on his crotch.

I feel his manhood getting hard underneath me. I bite my bottom lip as I wiggle my hips making toy Bonnie groan.

Toy Bonnie holds onto my hip pushing his hard-on onto me even more. I pull my top over my head and tossing it to the side.

As I'm not wearing a bra toy Bonnies eyes widen And his pupils dilate. Yours so fucking beautiful toy Bonnie says grabbing both of my breaths with both hands.

I smile as move my hips getting toy Bonnie more turned on. I pull toy Bonnies t-shirt over his head and throwing it somewhere In the room.

I lick up toy Bonnies toned chest making toy Bonnie groan. I unbutton toy Bonnies jeans and pull them down.

I smile mischievously as I slide my hands down toy Bonnies boxers. I grab hold of his manhood and start wanking him off.

Fuck~ toy Bonnie groans as he leans his head back. I pulls his boxers down fully and take him into my mouth.

I bob my head up and down on him slowly making him groan in pleasure. I feel toy bonnie puts his hand on the back of my hair making me move faster.

Fuck beautiful~ toy bonnie says as he comes in my mouth. I sallow his come and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

It's my turn now toy bonnie smirks pulling me closer to him as he pulls down my shorts and knickers.

Toy Bonnie straight away slams into me roughly making me moan. Toy Bonnie holds onto the bed sheets as he goes faster.

My body move crazily as toy Bonnie fucks me fast. Toy Bonnie groans as I moan, I can't get enough of you~ toy bonnie says out of breath In My ear.

Toy Bonnie lifts my right leg up and puts it on his shoulder as he enters me sidewards. O-omg I say biting my bottom lip from pleasure.

I come without warning because I can't speak from how much pleasure I'm in.

Toy Bonnie does the same and  fall next to me on the bed. That was so good I say as toy Bonnie pulls me closer to him.

Mmhmm toy Bonnie hums as he kisses my lips. I smile as I kiss him back.

We pull apart sharpish when we hear Paris crying. I get up and put on one of toy Bonnies hoodies.

Toy Bonnie follows closely behind me as he puts his boxers on and try's to walk at the same time.

I open her bedroom door and walk in. I pick Paris up out of her cot, she starts to cough really badly.

Oh no I say, What's wrong toy bonnie says coming closer. I think Paris is coming down with a cold I say holding her close.

Toy Bonnie puts his hand on her forehead checking her temperature. She's very warm toy Bonnie says worriedly.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now