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Toy Chica pov

After toy bonnie calmed me down we walked out of the toilet. I hear people taking about the fight that just happened.

As me and toy bonnie walked over to the other people asked if I was ok, I responded by saying yes I'm fine.

Omg toy Chica you ok mangle said walking over to me and hugging me tightly. Yeah I'm fine I smile.

You proper went for her, you went mother bear mode on baby foxy says. Yeah I know I say turning my head to see if the bitch Is seen anywhere.

What happened Chica said walking over to us holding Freddys hand. I raise a eyebrow at Chica and look at their joints hands. I let it go because I couldn't be bothered to question it.

Toy Chica and baby got into a fight toy bonnie says wrapping his arm around my waist from

Why!? Chica says worriedly, she called Paris and mistake and I went for that bitch I say.

You don't look like you been in a fight but on the other hand Chica says looking behind me.

Baby looks fucked Chica laughs slightly. How dare she call Paris a mistake, your the first ever girl that hit baby Freddy says.

If toy bonnie didn't pull me off baby she wouldn't of been in hospital I say.

Can you lot wait her with toy Chica and make sure she doesn't come over because I'm going to talk to baby toy Bonnie says kissing my head.

I don't need babysitting I pout. I know but I don't want to be pulling you off baby again toy bonnie says smirking.

We are coming mangle and foxy says. Ok toy bonnie says as they walk over to baby and springtrap.

I sit down in between Freddy and Bonnie. So are you two dating now?? I say looking at Freddy and Chica.

Yeah Chica blushes and Freddy smiles. Awww your two are perfect I say. We was going to tell the others but we thought tonight is not the night Freddy laughs.

Yeah I say smile

Toy Bonnies pov

We walk over to baby and springtrap. Baby has scratches on her face and a bruise forming around her eye, well thats what she gets for calling our baby a mistake to toy Chicas face she messed with the mummy bear and now she gonna deal with the daddy bear.

Your girlfriend is a fucking  psycho baby says. How dare you call my baby a mistake! I raise my voice.

Your deserved a punch from toy Chica because if that thing right there I say pointing to springtrap that's standing next to baby.

Called my baby a mistake I would of snapped both of his legs and arms i breathe trying to keep my cool.

I'm keeping calm because your a woman and I would never hit a woman I say.

So with that!! mangle says squeezing past me and foxy. Leave my house!! mangle says pointing to the front door.

Wait no! baby says, leave my fucking house because if you don't I will grab you by your hair extension and drag you out myself mangle says standing in front of me and foxy.

And your so fucking damn lucky that's you didn't get a slap from me as well now get out!! Mangle shout at the two of them.

Shut the fuck up we ain't leav- springtrap says as he was about to push mangles shoulder but foxy grabs his wrist.

Your fucking touch her I will snap your arm myself now get out!! Foxy shout pushing him back making springtrap stumble slightly.

Ughhh come on springtrap this party was lame anyways baby says walking out the house.

Fucking pricks foxy mumbles shaking his head as we turn back around and walk back to the others.

Toy Chica pov

It's 12 at night and people are still here partying. There are some people knocked out on the floor from alcohol and people dancing on the table slurring the lyrics to the song that's playing.

Come on let's get a drink and dance and have some fun toy bonnie says pulling me off the sofa.

Ok I laugh, I wave goodbye to the others as toy Bonnie pulls me into the kitchen to get drinks.

Toy Bonnie pours us a drink, he passes me the red cup and I take a sip.

Come let's have some time to ourselves toy Bonnie says taking my hand and leading me out of the kitchen.

Toy Bonnie pulls me into the garden where there is not much people. I sit on the garden table as toy Bonnie stand in between my legs.

I take a sip of my drink as toy Bonnie swirls a strand of my hair around his finger.

I miss Paris I say taking another sip of my drink. Same but it's good to go to parties because we are still teenagers toy Bonnie says.

I know I say putting my drink next to me and wrapping my arms around toy Bonnies neck.

I love you so much toy bonnie says smiling down at me. I love you more I grin up at toy bonnie making his smile grow more.

Nope I love you more toy Bonnies says as he kisses all over my face with wet slobbery kisses.

My makeup! I giggle as toy Bonnie continues to smother me in kisses. I just love you so so so so so so so so much toy bonnie says.

I smash my lips onto his, toy Bonnie groans slightly as he kisses back. Toy Bonnie roughly
Slides his tongue into my mouth making me moan.

His warm tongue slides across my bottom lip. I run my fingers through his think hair.

•the next day•

Me and toy Bonnie stayed at mangles last night. We leave early to go and get Paris, it's about eight in the morning and I'm driving to my mums.

If I run into baby in the streets I swear I'm going to pull her hair out again I say gripping the steering wheel tight. You sound like those rappers toy Bonnie laughs.

Yeah yeah I say smiling. When I pull up to my mums house I turn the engine off and get out and close the door.

I can't wait to see my princess toy Bonnie says. I knock on the front door and not even five seconds my mum opens the door.

You two are a bit early my mum says. This person right here misses her baby toy bonnie say playfully.

Shes still asleep my mum says letting us in. Me and toy Bonnie walk into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

How was last night my mum says. It's was good toy bonnie says. Except when we all played a game of truth or dare and toy Bonnies ex girl friend called my baby a mistake I say crossing my arms.

She what!! My mum says with wide eyes. I went for her and she fucking deserved it I say.

The last time you got into a fight was year three in primary my mum says. That girl took my cupcake and she was a bully but she never bullied me again after I pushed her into the bush I say trying not to laugh.

You pushed a girl into bush toy Bonnie laughs. Hey! food is life i say smirking.

All of a sudden I hear crying coming from upstairs. That's my baby I say getting up from the sofa and start walking up the stairs.

Toy Bonnie follows behind me. I open my old bedroom door and see Paris in my bed. I walk over to my bed and lift her up.

How I missed you I says kissing Paris's face. Paris stops crying when she opens her eyes and looks up at me smiling.

Toy Bonnie wraps his arms around my waist from behind and rests his head on my shoulder looking down at pairs that laying on my chest.


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