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Toy Bonnies pov

Days and days have passed and toy Chica still isn't here. I told my dad I got Vincent's address and I was going to go find her but my dad stopped me and said that he might have other people with him and it could be dangerous.

The police said the same and told me to stay at home. I tried my best to argue back and say that I'm going but they wouldn't give in.

Toy Chicas mum is not doing well. She's a mess, she came round my dad to talk to me and also see Paris. She broke down into tears because she feel useless.

I comforted her and said it's not her fault we will have her back soon. But now I'm getting annoyed because the police haven't found toy Chica even though I given them his address.

Now I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to find her myself and when I get close to his house im going to call the police.

My dad is with Paris right now In the living room. Dad I'm going out for a bit I lie in about an hour can you heat up pairs milk bottle and feed her i say.

Yeah sure my dad says. I grab my car keys and head out to my car.

Toy Chica pov

Days have passed and I still haven't been found. Vincent came down this morning and took his anger out on me because of something.

I haven't had something to eat or drink in days. I feel so weak when I moved from lack of food and water.

Why did Vincent take me what joy does he get out of it. I really hope Paris is ok I miss her so fucking much it hurts.

I miss cuddling her and everything. I just want to go home.

I have cuts everywhere on my body from Vincent. Im shivering because I'm so cold because I have no blanket, nothing just me and a dark room.

I look up and see the door opening. I back myself in the corner away from the door. I pray to myself that everything is gonna be ok.

I see you awake my love Vincent says. I hold my legs close to my chest as Vincent comes closer to me.

Get up Vincent says pulling me up by my arm. Ouch!! I shout in pain, I said get up!! Vincent says kicking me in the legs making it harder.

Vincent please I'm so weak I can't move I say quietly because my throat is so sore. Does it look like i give a shit Vincent shouts pushing me into the hard wall.

The back of my head hits the wall. I start crying because I can't do anything to get out of this he might even kill me.

What have I done to you? I cry looking up at him, You didn't love me Vincent says. When we was dating I loved you because you was all I had even though you beated me it was better than nothing I cry.

I don't care Vincent says as he grabs me by the throat. His grip is to strong I can't pull him away.

The sound of sirens are heard. Shit! Vincent says dropping me to the floor. I land on my knees gasping for air.

Before I even know it Vincent runs out of the door and it's closed. No no no I cry as I get up but fall back down from my weak legs.

I try again but I limp as I walk over to the door. But before I even reach the door I smell burning.

I stop where I am as I hear thing burning outside the door. Oh shit no!! I shout, something at the corner of my eyes catches my attention.

It's the keys!! Vincent accidentally dropped the keys!! I run over to the keys ignoring the pain in my body as I run.

I walk Up to the door. My eyes widen as the  door isn't even locked. I throw the keys and open the door.

My eyes widen as I see flames. Crap I say as I make my way up the stairs trying not to get burnt.

The flames spreads even more. Where is the freaking door!! I limp down the hallway of the house.

I'm so close to freedom I can smell it. Then all of a sudden I smell gas. That's not a good sign especially when there fire.

I limp to the front door as I open it as I run out onto the Lawn. I cough as I run out of the front garden.

Toy Bonnies pov

I called the police as I'm half way to Vincent's house. Soon after I park down the road near his house I did this because i don't want him to see me.

I hear police siren coming close. My attention is drawn to the house when I see black smoke coming out of it.

No no!! I shout getting out of the car. I begin to run to the house but a police officer stops me.

The house is fucking on fire!! I shout as I panic.
I squint my eyes slightly when I see Vincent running out of the house.

There's Vincent!! I say pointing to him. Armed police officers run toward him.

They handcuff him and put him in the back of the car. Toy Bonnie I got the call I came straight away my dad says behind me.

Where Paris!? I asks panicking. The maids are looking after her my dad says.

The house is gonna exploded!! one of the police offers shout.

Wait wha-!? I get cut off as a big loud bang comes from the house as I see the ceiling come down.

Where toy Chica!! I panic as my heart races in my chest. No please don't tell me- I say but don't finish the sentence as I start to cry.

I feel like I'm going to be sick, I start to hyperventilate. Please I don't think I could bare to see the police officer drag toy Chica body out.

Come here son my dad says opening his arms so I can cry into his shoulder.

Toy Bonnie!!! I hear toy Chica call my name. I whip my head up from my dads shoulder.

Am I hearing thing but then I hear it again. I can see her!! one of the police officers point at the cloud of smoke.

I wipe my eyes as I see toy Chica limping as she coughs. Toy Chica!! I shout as I run as fast as I can.

Toy Chica opens her arms ready for me to catch her. I pick toy Chica up off of the ground and into my arms.

I cry into her shoulder as I hold her close. I though you was dead I cry as kiss her head.

I thought you couldn't find me she says sobbing into my chest. I would search forever if i couldn't find you I says.

Don't let me go please toy Chica begs. I won't I promise. I carry toy Chica back over to where I was standing.

Her face is berried in my neck not want to talk to anyone or pull away from me. Thankfully A ambulance has arrived.

The paramedic tells me to put her on the stretcher. I gently place toy Chica down, my eyes widen as I see all the cuts and bruises on her body.

Toy Chica has two black eyes with a cut on her lips and on her cheek. She has the same down her arms and legs.

I get into the ambulance with toy Chica as I sit down on a chair and hold her hand. I'm going to kill him I say through greeted teeth.

Toy chicas eyes are closed. I kiss her knuckles gently. I love you beautiful I say.

As toy Chica is so weak and can't speak well she hums back I love you.

The ambulance takes toy Chica to the hospital where she will recover.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now