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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝒫ℴ𝓋

I wake up by the sound of Paris crying. I rub my eyes as I wiggle out of Toy Bonnies grip. It's seven in the morning which isn't too early.

I open the bedroom quietly so I don't wake Toy Bonnie. It's sounds like Paris is crying because she sad it's not her usual cry.

I run down the long hallway to Paris's room her crying get louder. Once I reach her room I quickly open her bedroom door.

I walk over to her cot and Paris is still crying. "Bebe it's ok I'm here now" I say in a gentle voice bringing hand down to stroke her cheek.

Paris calms down, she was probably crying because she's in a different environment and she wonder where her mummy and dadda was.

I lift Paris up out of her cot holding her close to me. I wipe her tears away with my thumb, "Your ok now my love" I say kissing her cheek as I let her rest her chin on my shoulder.

I hear a knock on the door, I turn around and see Garry the Butler. "Is everything ok I heard Paris crying?" Garry question.

"Everything's fine Paris just woke up in a different environment and she got scared thanks for asking" I smile.

"Ok I will be around the house if you need me" Garry smile walking away. I walk out of Paris's room and walk down the big marble stair case.

I hold Paris tightly as I walk Into the big living room. I still can't believe how beautiful this living room is.

I sit down on the big sofa still holding my baby. I get the remote and start watching Tv. Paris doesn't normally wake up at this time so she's not hungry until another hour.

Paris lays on my chest as I gently stroke her head. "Mrs Jones would you like some breakfast?" One of the maids say to me politely.

"Not yet I will wait till my husband wakes up but thank you" I smile. The maid nods and walks away.

It's going to take ages to get used to the maids and the cleaners even though when me and Toy Bonnie started dating I went round his house a lot and there was maids and everything.

Hopefully today me and Toy Bonnie will be going back to our parents houses to get all of our stuff, the stuff that we didn't bring along to the apartment because we had no room.

Or example my dance trophies I won when I was younger my teddy bears and stuff like that.

Sound of footsteps coming into the living broke me out of my thoughts. I look to the side and see Toy Bonnie.

"Why didn't you wake me up bebe" Toy Bonnie says sitting down on the sofa next to me. "Because Paris was crying so I had to get up quickly" I say pecking his lips.

"Why was princess crying?" Toy Bonnie asks worriedly. "Because he woke up in a different environment and she wonder where we was" I smile.

"We should of had her sleeping in our room last night" Toy Bonnie says. "Yeah" I smile as I kiss Paris's head.

After having breakfast we go upstairs to get ready to go out. I get in the shower as Toy Bonnie gets Paris ready.

After I showered I get out and do my facial routine like every morning and night. I walk into the bedroom to see Toy Bonnie putting little socks on Paris's feet.

"OH MY GOODNESS" I squeal really loudly making Toy Bonnie jump. "Look at her little socks there so cute" I say in a high pitch voice.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now