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I wake up by the sound of Paris coughing next to me. I sit up in bed and lift up Paris from in between me and toy Bonnie.

I rest her on my chest as I rub her back. "It's ok baby girl" I whisper gently as she continues to coughs.

"Is everything alright?" Toy bonnie asks worriedly as he sits up. "Yeah its time for Paris to have more medicine" I say.

"I hate seeing her Ill it makes me sad" I sigh getting out of bed still holding Paris. Toy Bonnie gets out of bed as well following me down stairs.

I walk into the kitchen where Tate is drinking water out of his bowl. I hold Paris with on arm as I use the other to search through the cupboards for Paris's medicine.

"Toy Bonnie can you help me with this please!" I call out as I put the medicine on the table.

"Yes beautiful?" Toy bonnie says coming into the kitchen. "Can you please hold Paris while I give her the medicine" I say passing Paris to toy bonnie.

I get the Syringe and suck up the right amount of medicine. "She's probably gonna spit it out" I laughs putting the syringe closer to Paris's mouth slowly.

I laugh again as I see Paris giving the syringe the eye, she doesn't looks to pleased. "Open up" I say putting the syringe in her mouth gently.

Paris didn't spit out the medicine like I suspected but she didn't like the taste. "Well done bubba!!" I say happily pecking her lips.

I haven't noticed but Paris is teething, "toy bon Paris is teething" I say opening her mouth slightly to see her teeth.

"We haven't seen her crying In pain" toy Bonnie says looking down at Paris. "Maybe she just started, I need to get her teething toys that she can bite because I notice that she's like to bite our fingers" I smile looking at Paris trying to bite toy Bonnies finger.

"Toy Bonnie" I say looking at him, "yeah?" Toy bonnie says back. "I don't want our friends to know about Paris going missing I rather just us knowing and your dad and my mum" I say seriously.

"I agree" Toy bonnie nods. "I need to breastfeed Paris" I smile as toy Bonnie passes her back to me.

I haven't realised my mum has left a note of the fridge door, it says: I will be home a bit late tonight because I'm going food shopping text me if you want me to pick up stuff love mum xx

I grab my phone and text her to get teething rings for Paris. I walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa beginning to breastfeed Paris.

I sit back and watch something on Netflix. Toy Bonnie walk into the living room eating a packet of salt and vinegar crisps. Toy Bonnie takes a seat next to me, "can I have some please" I say smiling at toy bonnie.

Toy Bonnie smirks as he gets a few crisps and shoves them into my mouth with no warning. "I could of chocked on them" I say with a mouthful of crisps.

"That's not the only thing you chock on" Toy bonnie smirks. I shake my head at his words, this is his hormones talking.

"Ouch! Bubba that hurt" I say looking down at Paris as she continues to feed from my breast. When I  breastfeed Paris she's  quite rough with it and sometimes it hurts.

After I finished breastfeeding Paris and burping her I lay her on my chest. I lay down on the sofa resting my head on the pillow.

"Thanks for putting your smelly feet on me" Toy bonnie says playfully. "Heyyy!! My feet ain't smelly" I pout.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now