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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

•the next day•

Im breastfeeding pairs as I sit on the sofa. After breastfeeding Paris I lay on the sofa watching tv.

Pairs in laying on my chest as she play with the straps of my tank top. I smile and look at her face, her green eye are exactly the same as toy Bonnies.

She's such a beautiful baby, she has thick brown hair for her age but the brown will go when she grows older and she will have dirty blond hair.

I rub pairs back gently as he rests her head on my chest.

Toy Bonnie walks into living room, look at you two toy bonnie smiles.

We should go take Tate for a walk over the park I say. Yeah that's a good idea toy bonnie smiles.

I get up from the sofa still holding Paris. As I'm dressed and so is Paris, I pass her to toy bonnie to hold so I can put my shoes on.

𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒷ℴ𝓃𝓃𝒾ℯ𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

I hold my daughter as my fiancé puts her shoes on. Come Tate toy Chica says as she gets his lead and puts it one him.

We walk out of our apartment and head down to the underground car park. We take my car instead I brought two car seats to put in our cars so we don't have to keep taking the car seat out.

I strap Paris in the car seat and close the door. Toy Chica put Tate in the back with Paris and gets in the passenger seat.

My car roars to life when I turn the engine on. We should buy some food and have a picnic at the park toy Chica says.

Yeah I will stop at the shop before going to the park i say. I drive to the shop and buy some snakes like crisps and stuff.

I walk back to the car and get back in. Did you get chocolate chip cookies??? Toy Chica says digging through the bag.

Yes I did beautiful I chuckle as she digs through the plastic Tesco's bag. Yay!! she squeals opening the bag of cookies.

Those are for the picnic  I say pulling out of the car park. I won't eat them all toy Chica says with a mouthful of food.

Soon after we arrive at the park. I turn my car engine off and get out of the car. I let Tate out of the back as toy Chica gets Paris pushchair out of the boot.

After toy Chica clips the car seat onto the push chair we head to the Field. It's so quiet toy Chica says pushing the pushchair.

That's why I love it here I say throwing tates ball. Let's go to the back of the field I say.

When we reach the back of the field I lay down the blanket and sit down. Toy Chica get pairs out of the pushchair and lays her down on the blanket.

I can't believe she's a month old already toy Chica says smiling down at Paris. I want her to stop growing I say putting my index finger out so she can hold it because She likes to.

I love you so much my love toy chica says leaning her head down to kiss Paris's forehead.

Aww she smiling I say looking down at her. Pairs lifts her hands up touching toy chicas face, toy chica kisses her hands.

Toy chica and Paris are the two only people that I love most in life. Having a baby is the most exciting and happiest thing to experience.

And having my high school sweetheart as my fiancé and the mother of my child is best thing ever. I never thought this would happen I always thought I was going to get kicked out of school and just take over my dads chain of business all by myself with no one to love in life. 

But now I have a beautiful daughter and a beautiful fiancé that's worth living for.

Toy Chica opens a packet of grapes and starts eating them. Open up toy Chica giggles, I open my mouth and she throws one grape in my mouth.

I smile as I eat the grape, Tate lays next to me after going for a run around the field.

Pairs studies mine and toy chicas face. You are beautiful just like your mummy I say smiling down at Paris.

Toy Chica smiles and rests her head on my shoulder watching the world go by.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now