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After our first dance of the night we make our way back to our table. I have met toy Bonnies family and they are ever so nice.

Pairs is asleep in her pushchair that's placed next to toy bonnie. I smirk to myself as I snake my hand under the table and start rubbing toy Bonnies manhood through his trousers.

"B-beautiful what are y-you doing??" Toy bonnie stutters from shock. "Oh nothing" I smile cheekily as I continue to rub his manhood.

"Toy Chica" Toy bonnie groans quietly from pleasure as I feel him getting hard. I look around to see people talking and some people dancing to the music that's playing.

I get up and push Paris's pushchair to the table next to me that my mum is sitting at with my Nana.

"Could you watch Paris for a bit please?" I ask. "Yeah sure" my mum says as she gently bring the pushchair closer.

I grab toy Bonnies hand and drag him down this hallway that has the toilet. Luckily there not a cubicle there is only one mans and woman's toilets.

I open the woman's toilet and impatiently drag toy Bonnie inside, I close and lock the door. I turn around and toy Bonnie grabs me by the waist and smashes his lips onto mine.

I take a sharp breath through my nose as We start making out aggressively. Toy Bonnie pushes me up against the wall as he start to attack my neck with warm kisses.

I moan softly as toy Bonnie kisses my sweet spot that's just underneath my ear. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as toy Bonnie pulls down the front of my dress and start massaging my breasts.

I spin toy Bonnie around so his against the wall instead. "Woah beautiful" Toy bonnie says with wide eyes smiling.

I bent down and unbuckle his belt that's around his black trousers. I pull down his trousers and paints at the same time.

I start wanking toy Bonnie off at a nice pace, Toy Bonnie is so big. I make eyes contact as I start going faster. Toy Bonnies eyes are widen from pleasure, "don't come on my face my love because I have makeup on" I say still remaining eye contact with him.

"I try not to beauti- fuck!!" Toy bonnie grunts as I put his manhood inside my mouth. I bob my head up and down in sync with toy Bonnies hips.

Toy Bonnie has his hands on the back of my head making me almost gag. "I so fucking close" toy Bonnie groans as he looks down at me.

All of a sudden I feel toy bonnie come in my mouth making slightly moan in pleasure. I swallow his seamen.

Toy Bonnie pulls me up by my arm bringing me close to him. "Yours so great at handjobs and blowjobs" toy Bonnie says pecking my lips.

"And I'm glad I'm the only one you ever gave a handjob and blowjob to" toy Bonnie says snuggling his face into my neck.

"You will forever be mine toy Bon" I say pulling up the front of my dress hiding my breasts.

"Come we should get back so we can read our speech's out" Toy bonnie says unlocking the toilet door.

We walk back and I hear Paris crying i know it's Paris because a mother knows when their baby is crying.

Me and toy Bonnie rush walk over to my mum that's holding a crying Paris. "Omg what happened?!" I ask worriedly as my mum passes me my daughter.

"I think she had a bit of a bad dream she woke up crying" my mum says. "Don't worry bubba Mamma and dadda are here now" I say calmly as I hold her close and kiss her cheek.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now