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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

I've been awake since six in the morning and now it's eight. I didn't get much sleep last night neither did Toy Bonnie he just go off to sleep like an hour ago.

I have been worrying about Paris making sure she is breathing ok or she isn't heating up all this anxiety is making me feel sick.

I look at the bed seeing Paris sleeping peacefully in Toy Bonnies arms. Toy Bonnie is literally in Paris hospital cot because one of the barricades are down and the cot is joint next to the bed. Toy Bonnies legs are resting over the barricade of the cot because obviously his too big.

Last night was the worse it was horrible to see Paris coughing, crying and not been able to breath probably.

The nurse said Paris doesn't always have to wear the oxygen mask because her breathing is slightly better but if her breathing gets worse again it will have to go back on.

I rang my mum and our friends to tell what's happened. My mum felt super guilty and our friends are so upset.

The others said they are going to visit later on today and the same with my mum. My head quickly turns to the bed where Toy Bonnie and Paris are sleeping.

I see Paris moving her arms slightly as she makes a slight little noise. I smile as I walk over to the cot, "Hi bubba" I whisper smiling.

Paris slightly lifts up her arms wanting me to hold her. I gently lift Paris up from her cot and hold her in my arms.

"I have been wanting to hold you so bad" I say pecking Paris lips. I probably will get Ill from holding and kissing my baby but I don't care.

Paris lays her head on my shoulder as I gently rock side to side. "I love you my love" I say kissing her head.

I smile when I see Toy Bonnie rub his eyes to wake up. Toy Bonnie looks down next to him expecting to see Paris but his face changes when he doesn't.

"Don't worry Toy Bon I have Paris" I smile. Toy Bonnie nods and rubs his eyes trying to wake up a bit quicker.

Toy Bonnie has only been asleep for a few hours.

"What's the time bebe" Toy Bonnie asks. "Nearly nine o'clock" I say gently, Toy Bonnie gets up and stretches his arms.

He walks over to me and kisses my lips softly. I close my eyes and kiss him back gently, "I'm going to get In the shower" Toy Bonnie says giving me one last peck on the lips

"I wish I can join you" I say tiredly. "Don't worry beautiful I won't be in there for long" Toy Bonnie says walking into the en-suit bathroom.

When Toy Bonnie is in the shower the nurse comes in to check up on Paris. She gives Paris her medicines and make sure her breathing is ok.

I'm on the bed breastfeeding Paris as Toy Bonnie come out of the en-suit bathroom in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a top. "Is everything ok?" Toy Bonnie asks casually.

"Yeah the nurse came in while you was in the shower to check up on Paris and to give Paris her medicines, Paris's cough is still bad and everything" I sigh sadly as I look down at Paris that's peacefully drinking her milk.

All of a sudden I start to feel really emotional as I feel a hot tear run down my cheek, "what happens if Paris gets worse than she already is and the doctors and nurses can't do anything to help" I say as I cry.

Toy Bonnie rushed over to me, "Bebe don't cry our princess is going to get better I promise you" Toy Bonnie says sitting next to me on the bed.

"I'm scared" I admit as I wipe the tears away but it's no use because they keep streaming down my face.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now