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I wake with a pounding headache. I rub my eyes to make myself wake up a bit better. Toy Bonnie has his arms around tightly around my waist as his neck in buried in the crook of my neck.

I feel Toy Bonnie move slightly, I smile as I move his curtains out of his eyes. "Morning my love" I smile.

"Morning" Toy Bonnie yawns. I look down at Toy Bonnies knuckles and see they are busted from last night.

"Bebe your knuckles" I say holing his left hand to study his knuckles even more. "Don't worry about my knuckles beautiful" Toy Bonnie says kissing my checking.

I sigh not wanting to get into a discussion about it so I let it go. "Mmm your so warm" Toy Bonnie says snuggling up to me even more.

"I miss your bed" I say, "same my bed is the best" Toy Bonnie says. "It's seven so do you want to get home then we can sleep off the hangover?" I suggest.

"Yeah let's go" Toy Bonnie says tiredly getting up out of bed. I put my dress back on and carry my heels in my hand.

Me and Toy Bonnie walk out of his old bedroom and down the hallway to the stairs. "I think everyone left last night which is surprising because people black out on the floor" Toy Bonnie says was we walk towards the front door.

"We can come back tomorrow to clean this place up it won't take long anyways it's not that messy" I say opening the door to leave.

We head to Toy Bonnie car and get in. Toy Bonnie drives back to my mums place.

We pull up outside my mums and I get out walking bare footed up to the door. I open the door with my house keys to see my mum holding Paris in the kitchen.

"Hey mum" I say walking in as Toy Bonnie closes the door behind us. My mum jumps slightly "I wasn't expecting you two for at least another two hours or so" my mum says.

"No we decided to come back early" Toy Bonnie says. "Why is Paris up so early is everything ok?" I ask.

My mum looks scared to answer me, "paris has been coughing badly all night and it's hard to get her to sleep" my mum says.

"Oh god" I say worriedly as I take my daughter back from my mum. "Mum Paris I sweating why didn't you call us last night we would of come straight home" I say panicking.

"I know but I didn't want to ruin your night" my mum says. "Our baby is more important than a birthday party" I say looking down at Paris.

Paris looks pale then all of a sudden she starts coughing really badly. "Oh my god" I say laying Paris on my chest so I can rub her back.

"Fuck Paris is boiling" Toy Bonnie says putting his hand on her forehead. "We need to get her to the doctors like now" Toy Bonnie says running up stairs quickly.

"I'm sorry I didn't ring you" my mum says, "it's fine" I sigh. Toy Bonnie comes down stairs with a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie.

"Here puts these on over your dress so your comfortable" Toy Bonnie says passing me the tracksuit bottoms and hoodie.

Toy Bonnie holds Paris as I put them on. "I feel so much better" I say. We quickly say goodbye to my mother  and head to the doctors.

Paris starts coughing in the back really badly again. I sigh as I rest my head on the window Toy Bonnie grabs my hand laces our fingers together "she's going to be alright bebe" Toy Bonnie says gently.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now