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Toy chicas pov

I wake up alone in bed, where the hell is toy bonnie i think to myself.

I grab my phone from the bedside table. Toy bonnie left a message and it says.

*My dad wanted me to be in his meeting for work this morning. I didnt want to wake you up so thats why i left a message. The meeting finishes at 10 so come to my dads work see you then xxxxx*

I smile down at my phone as i turn it off. Its nine now so i got ages till i leave.

I need to wear something nice because its a billion pound company so i cant just roll up in jeans and a top people will think im crazy.

I get out of bed and walk into paris's room. Paris is already wake because shes fiddling with her toys.

I smile as i pick her up. I take her out of the bedroom and sit down on the sofa as i begin to breastfeed her.

After breastfeeding her i get her change. I pick out a babygrow that has a little pink tutu.

I almost scream from cuteness after i put the outfit on paris.

I put pink head band on her head to finish off the look. Your so beatiful i say changing her nappy.

Wait of course you are, you look like me i say putting the dirty napping in the bin.

After putting on a new clean nappy and buttoning up her babygrow I pick paris up and go to my bedroom to get change.

As im getting change i lay paris down on my bed. I put on something nice but something comfortable.

I grab a pair of wedges to put on my feet. I curl my hair and put on some makeup.

I check myself out in the mirror. I think i look pretty damn good i mumble to myself.

I put a pair of sunglasses on my head to keep the hair out of my hair and just in case i need them while driving.

I look in the mirror making sure my pencil skirt and blouse looks ok.

I pick paris up from the bed and walk into the living room.

Shit the carseat is in toy bonnies car i say. I sigh in relief when i spot it near the dining table.

Toy bonnie is literally a life saver. I  gently place paris in her carseat and buckle her up ready to be put in my car.

Ok tate be a good boy when im gone because if you chew another pair of my shoes you will be not getting a treat after your dinner i say as i pick up the carseat and hook it on my arm.

I pick up my car keys from the table and walk out of the front door.

I lock the door behind me and then walk to the lift that goes down to the underground car park.

I walk over to my car and press down on the car key to unlock the doors.

I open the back door and put paris's carseat in. Im glade the back windows are blacked out because it stops the sun getting in a little bit.

I pull the hood forward on the carseat so paris can sleep. After buckling the carseat in i get into the drivers seat.

I turn the engine on and drive out of the car park. About 15 minutes later i arrive at toy bonnies dads work.

I pull into the parking lot and park my car. I get out and look up at the highrise building.

I unbuckle the carseat and lift it out of the car. Paris has fallen alseep.

I close the door and lock it before walking into the building.

I spot toy bonnie blue mustang on the very end of the parking lot.

A security guard opened the glass door for me. I simply thank him and continue to walk.

This place is so morden and nice. Peoples eyes are drawn to me as i walk.

Toy chica! i hear someone call me. I turn my head to the left and see toy bonnie.

Toy bonnies eyes widen as he checks me out when i walk over to him.

hey beautiful toy bonnie say wrapping his arms around my waist.

I put the carseat down beside me. Toy bonnie pulls me into a kiss holding me close.

I kiss him back gently. I pull apart and smile, there is alot of people looking at you i say.

They are not looking at me they are looking at you toy bonnie whispers in my ear.

How is our princess? Toy bonnie asks making me smile at the nickname he gave his daugther.

Shes really good i smile looking down at the carseat. Shes alseep but you can still hold she wont wake up i say.

Toy bonnie knees down and unbuckle her. He lifts her up gently trying not to wake her.

She makes a noise in her sleep but doesnt wake up.

Paris head is resting on toy bonnies shoulder as he holds her back.

Where is your dad?? I ask looking around. His still in the meeting, i got let out early toy bonnie whispers so he doesnt wake paris up.

Do you want to go to my dads office because even more people are looking now that im holding paris toy bonnie says lifing up the carseat with his free hand.

We take the lift up to toy bonnies dads office. Toy bonnie opens the glass door that im guessing is toy bonnies dad office.

Toy bonnie places the carseat on the desk chair. Toy bonnie carefully places paris in the carseat.

This will be my office soon toy bonnie says pulling me closer to him.

All i do is nod because im distracted by toy bonnie and how fucking hot and sexy he looks in his black suit.

I can still see he muscular shaped body underneath his suit.

Toy bonnie smirks as he lifts my right leg up and holds it to his side.

I bite down on my bottom lips as i wrap my arms around his neck. Toy bonnie lifts me onto the glass table behind me.

Toy bonnie leans in for a kiss but i put my index finger on his lips stopping him.

Your forgetting something i say smirking. Toy bonnie gives me a confused look.

The blind i say nodding my head to the glass windows. Toy bonnie hands slowly slide away from my legs.

Toy bonnie walks over to the glass window and shuts the blinds.

Toy bonnie walks back over to me. I get impatient and pull him closer to me.

Someones eager toy bonnie say smirking. Shut u- i get cut off by the feeling of toy bonnie moving my knickers to the side.

I have a pencil skirt on so it gives toy bonnie easy access. That cut you off quick didnt it? Toy bonnie whispers in my ear.

I take in a sharp breath as i feel toy bonnies fingers enters me.

Omg i moan closing my eyes. Toy bonnie starts kissing my neck as he moves his fingers in and out of me at a slow pace.

My skirt has been pushed up to my thighs as toy bonnie moves his fingers faster.

I couldn't hold it no more so i released on toy bonnies fingers.

Toy bonnie pulls his fingers out and sucks them. You taste so fucking good toy bonnie groans taking his fingers out of his mouth.

I get down from the table and pull my pencil skirt down.


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