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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝒫ℴ𝓋

I feel Toy Bonnie fiddling with my bra strap, I groan turning over to face him. "Morning my beautiful queen sorry if I woke you" Toy Bonnie says quietly.

"You didn't" I say sleepily snuggling my face into Toy Bonnie Bare chest wrapping my arms around him.

My eyes widen when I feel Toy Bonnie lifting me up to lay me on his chest. "You're so beautiful bebe" Toy Bonnie smiles pulling my body closer.

"Mmm" I hum a response smiling as Toy Bonnie pecks me lips. I'm a bit more awake now so I make myself more 'comfortable' on Toy Bonnies crotch.

"Sexy bum" Toy Bonnie says slapping my bum cheek. "Paris doesn't wake up for another hour yet" I say smiling as I feel my lips slightly touching Toy Bonnie's because our faces are close to each other's.

"And" Toy Bonnie says smirking knowing what I want to do. "I'm dying for you" I whispering seductively.

I gasp as I feel Toy Bonnie's hand slide down my panties. "Your already wet bebe" Toy Bonnie says starting to rub me slowly.

I close my eyes as I moan, it feels so good because I haven't had sexual intercourse in weeks.

I spread my legs further apart giving Toy Bonnie more access better access. I bite hard down on my lip when Toy bonnie puts his two fingers inside of me.

"Yess Toy Bonnie!!" I moan as he goes even more faster. Toy Bonnie cuts off my moaning by slamming his lip onto mine.

I kiss Toy bonnie back as I tug on His hair as he fingers me. I moan on Toy Bonnies lips as I come on his fingers.

I snake my tongue around in Toy Bonnies mouth as he pulls his fingers out of me. Toy Bonnie pulls away smirking.

Toy Bonnies green eyes aren't his normal light green they have turned darker from pleasure and hunger.

"You won't be needing these" Toy Bonnie says ripping off my lace knickers. I help Toy Bonnie unclip my bra, Toy Bonnie throws it somewhere behind him.

Now I'm fully naked to Toy Bonnie. The only Thing Toy Bonnie has on is his boxer. "Spread those sexy legs and be ready for me beautiful" Toy Bonnie says turning me on even more than I'm already am.

Toy Bonnie watches me slowly spread my legs as he takes off his boxers. Toy Bonnie crawls on top of me like an animal stalking its prey.

Toy Bonnie looks into my eyes as he straddles me. I gasp as I feel Toy bonnie enter me at nice pace.

I dig my nails into his back from pleasure. Toy Bonnie groans as he goes faster, leaving wet kisses on my neck.

Toy Bonnie pulls away after leaving his mark on my neck. "I love you" I say as I smash my lips onto Toy Bonnies.

"I love you" Toy Bonnie says on my lips. I bite down on Toy Bonnie bottom lip as I flip us over so I'm on top.

Toy Bonnie moves even more faster now making my legs give away. I moan when I feel Toy Bonnie release inside me.

Seconds later I do the same. I sigh happily as I lay on Toy Bonnies chest. I gently kiss Toy Bonnie toned chest making him even more relaxed.

"How was America?" I ask Toy Bonnie. "It was great bebe" Toy Bonnies says gently.

"Did you do anything that was nice like going out?" I say rolling off Toy Bonnie so I'm laying besides him.

"I went to a couple of night clubs with my a couple of co-workers that are my age" Toy Bonnie says.

"That sounds great" I smile getting out of bed to put some pj shorts and top on. "Lots of girls asked me out and damn they where hot" Toy Bonnie says.

All of a sudden I fill anger rise inside of me, "are you fucking serious Toy Bonnie!" I say angrily.

"What?" Toy Bonnie laughs. "You literally said they girls that tired to ask you out where hot!" I say getting more angry.

"What because they where" Toy Bonnie laughs. "You fucking dick!!" I shout getting one of my soft toys and throwing it at Toy Bonnie hard.

I storm out of my room slamming the door behind me. I start walking to Paris room but I hear Toy Bonnie running out of my room.

"Bebe I'm joking" Toy Bonnie says pulling me close to him. "No you fucking weren't" I say angrily pushing him away continuing to walk down the hallway to Paris's room.

"Toy Chica no girls even went up to me because I didn't even go out" Toy Bonnie says pulling my arm. I sighs as she turns my head to Toy Bonnie. "why did you say it then knowing full well I would get pissed" I says crossing my arms.

"Because I thought you would get it was a joke" Toy Bonnie says pulling me into a hug. "Well probably won't like to hear this but a guy named Funtime Freddy tried to make a move on me at chicas house party three weeks ago" I say pulling away from Toy Bonnie.

"What? Why don't you tell me this three weeks ago" Toy Bonnie says sounding disappointed. "Because I thought it wasn't a big deal" I shrug.

"Of course it was, what did he do to you?" Toy Bonnie ask. "He grabbed my ass and tried to grind on me and tried to kiss me, but he wouldn't let me go so I kicked him in the ball" I explain.

"Fucking bastard" Toy Bonnie says angrily. "Well that's what I get for joking with you" Toy Bonnie says scratching behind his neck.

"Mmhm" I hum crossing my arms looking up at Toy Bonnie in a sassy way. "I'm sorry if I made you angry and upset because of my stupid joke I thought you would know that I was joking" Toy Bonnie says bringing my face closer and closing the gap between us.

"It's ok bebe" I smile kissing Toy Bonnies lips. After a couple of a little make-out session I open Paris door but I feel Toy Bonnie slap my ass making my squeal.

"Mine" Toy Bonnie says licking his lips. I blush as I walk in her room.

Tate's laying next to Paris's bed as she sleeps. I smile as I look in Paris's cot to see her snuggling up with Mr carrots.

"Oh my goodness" I happily squeal quietly because Paris is still asleep. I move my hand down to wake her up because she's slept in.

"Wakey wakey my little potato" I say grinning as I gently rub her cheek with my finger. Paris opens her eyes as I lift her up.

"Your so warm" I say in a baby voice hugging her. Paris makes baby noises as I walk out of her bedroom.

Toy Bonnie follows me down stairs into the kitchen. "Bebe do you think you can do me a fruit bowl while I breastfeed Paris?" I ask gently.

"Of course" Toy Bonnie smiles, I breastfeed Paris like I do everyday. After breastfeeding her Toy Bonnie Brings me my fruit bowl.

I hand Paris to Toy Bonnie while I eat.

𝒯ℴ𝓎 ℬℴ𝓃𝓃𝒾ℯ𝓈 𝒫ℴ𝓋

"I've missed you so much" I say kissing Paris's cheek, Paris makes a baby noise in response. I laugh at how we're having a little conversation of our own.

I pucker my lips to kiss Paris nose but Paris opens her mouth and give my cheek a wet slobbery kiss.

"Thanks bebe" I say wiping the sliver off my cheek. I still feel jet lagged from yesterday, I had to get on my dad's airplane by myself for four hours then get on a train for another hour and im still tired.

As Paris is laying on my chest I wrap my arms gently around her treating pairs like she's a peace of glass.

"Aww look at you two" Toy Chica smiles brightly, feeling Toy Chicas Hand run through my hair making me more sleepy.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now