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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

I wake up feeling Toy Bonnies head on my breasts with his arms wrapped round my waist tightly.

I rub my eyes to wake up a bit more. Toy Bonnie looks so handsome asleep. Toy bonnies floppy hair covering his eyes as his lips are parted slightly so he can breathe through his mouth while sleeping.

I run my fingers through his thick hair slowly. Toy Bonnie groans in his sleep as his arms tighten around me.

I grab my phone from the beside table because I hear it vibrating. I go on Instagram and click on the group chat that me and my friends have.

"Omg" I whisper/shout in excitement. I just got a message from mangle saying she pregnant. I'm so happy right now one of my best friends are pregnant!!

I hope our kids will be really close friends it's going to be so cute. After sometime of chatting on the chat I feel toy bonnie move.

Toy Bonnie groans as he rubs his eyes. "Morning Bebe" I say gently smiling down at him. The nickname Bebe is another word for baby but we won't call each other that because it reminds us of someone that we dislike a lot.

"Say That again I love your voice" Toy bonnie says. I can't stop grinning, "Morning bebe" i say again.

"Ahh your voice is like music to my ears" toy Bonnie says pulling me down to the same level as him.

I peck his kissable lips, I move my legs to get comfortable but i feel really sore between my legs.

"Fuck!" I hiss, "Are you ok beautiful?" Toy bonnie asks worriedly. "I'm fine I'm just really sore from last night" I say blushing.

"Told you" Toy bonnie smirks at me. "your are like a sex god" I moan playfully biting my bottom lips as my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Am I now?" Toy bonnie says playfully kissing my nose. "Yes your so good with those hips" I smile kissing his lips.

Toy Bonnie licks my cheek, "eww toy Bonnie!!" I whine wiping the side of my cheek with my hand as toy Bonnie laughs.

"I love you so much" Toy bonnie says looking at me dreamily. "I love you more" I smile kissing his lips.

Toy Bonnie kisses me back gently before pulling apart slightly. "No I love you much much more like to the moon and back one billion times" Toy bonnie says making my heart race in my chest.

"Ok you win" I laugh gently. "I don't want to leave" Toy bonnie says hugging me. "It will go by quick" I assure him.

I look at toy Bonnies neck and chest just realising there is a lot of love bites. I didn't know I did that many.

Toy Bonnie has a like five on his chest and seven on his neck and down to his collar bone. Toy Bonnie looks at the little alarm clock that's on my bedside table.

"It's seven and I need to be at the airport at eleven" Toy bonnie says. "Why so early?" I ask sadly.

"I know beautiful it because my dad wants to get to American as quick as possible" Toy bonnie says.

I feel really sad right now. Toy Bonnie lifts himself up and straddles me. "Hey I don't like it when your sad" Toy bonnie says lifting up my chin slightly.

"I wish I could take you and Paris but I can't" Toy bonnie says, "I know" I say quietly.

Toy Bonnie gives me lips multiple pecks. Before He can deepen the kiss anymore I hear our bubba crying out for us.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now