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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

I wake up by the sound of Paris making baby noises in her sleep. I smile because I love hearing the noises that Paris makes.

I rub my Eyes to wake up a bit quicker. Pairs is holding onto my t-shirt with her little hands as I rub her back gently.

My eyes widen in happiness when Paris eyes open up slowly. "Hi beautiful!" I say in a high pitch voice.

I lift Paris up from beside me and lay her on my chest as I give her cheek lots of pecks. I lay on my back so it will be easier for Paris.

Paris realises that her dadda isn't next to me so she starts to get upset. "I know bubba I'm missing dadda already" I say gently kissing her nose trying to make Paris feel better but It doesn't seem to work.

Paris starts to cry which makes me upset because I don't like it when Paris cry's. "Don't cry boo you can see him look!" I say grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

"One second bubba" I say calmly as I put the phone on speaker waiting for toy bonnie to answers.

Toy Bonnie answers in like five seconds, "morning beautiful how are yo- is everything ok I hear Paris crying" Toy bonnie says seriously.

"Yeah Paris is just really upset because you wasn't in bed this morning" I say as I glance at Paris seeing that she's calmed down but there's still tears on her cheeks.

"I'm going to FaceTime you" Toy bonnie says ending the call. Ten seconds later my phone starts ringing telling me that toy bonnie wants to FaceTime.

I answer the call and put the camera on Pairs that's laying next to me in bed. "Hiii! Princess" toy Bonnie squeals down the phone.

Paris frown changes into a grin, "don't cry my love" toy Bonnie says. "Oh my goodness wipe those tears away" I say in a playful baby voice as I wipe Pairs tears away with my thumb.

"I want to come home I'm already getting separation anxiety" toy Bonnie says. "Same it's been one day without you here" I sigh.

"Let's talk about something nice, what are your plans for today?" Toy bonnie asks. "I might go over the park and take Tate with me and just sit right at the back of the Field where no goes" I say lifting my phone up so I can see toy bonnie.

"What are you doing today?" I say, "well it's eight so I'm back at my hotel room my dad offered to go to a bar but I didn't want to go, all I want to do is talk to you" Toy bonnie says smiling.

"You should of gone out for a drink" I say, "I know but your more important" toy Bonnie says making my heart race.

"I'm going to get change then I will text you after" I say. "Why can't I watch you get change?" Toy bonnie says playfully as he smirks.

"Because" I smile, "ok beautiful text when your done" Toy bonnie says. "Ok I love you bye" I say smiling.

"I Love you bye" Toy bonnie says ending the call. I lay Paris down on the bed next to Tate as I get up and go to my wardrobe.

I pull out a cute yellow belly top with a pair of denim shorts.

After going into the bathroom to clean my teeth I walk back into my bedroom to put on my everyday makeup.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now