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Toy bonnies pov

I wake up next to the two people i love the most. Toy chica and paris are still alseep. Paris's back is to me and her head is resting on toy chicas chest.

Toy chicas arms are wrapped around paris holding her close.

My arms are wrapped around toy chica tightly. My attention is drawn to paris moving her arms.

Her face changes to sad and she starts to cry because she thinks that we arent up.

Shh shh its ok i whisper gently taking her out of toy chicas arms so she dosent wake her up.

I lay paris down on my chest calming her down. My eyes widen as her eyes open for the first.

Her eyes are green like mine but she absolutely has toy chicas beautiful features.

A little smile appears on paris's lips. Paris has my colour hair which is dirty blond.

Your so gorgeous i say playing with her thick hair.

Paris's body is so warm against my bare chest. Paris puts her mouth on my nipple thinking i have breast milk.

Im not mummy i laugh quietly.
Paris begins to tear up because i have no breast milk.

No dont cry princess i say giving her cheek little kisses. Is she alright?? toy chica speaks

Yeah shes crying because she thought i had breast milk i say patting her back gently.

Pass her here i will feed her toy chica smiles.

I lift paris up and pass her to toy chica.

Paris stops crying when shes being fed. Paris opened her eyes for the first time i smile as i look at paris.

Omg i didnt even notice toy chica says. shes has your eyes toy chica squeals.

Our friends are really excited to meet paris i say. Are they coming round this thursday? Toy chica asks.

Yeah i simply say. Toy chica smiles down at paris. I cant belive how beatiful our daughter is.

Im going to bath paris do you want to help toy chica says, Yeah i smile.

After toy chica burps paris we get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

Toy chica put the baby bath in the bathtub and fills it up with warms water.

The baby bath isnt deep so toy chica only fills it up a little.

I undress paris and place her into the baby bath. Her head rests on the headrest.

Paris makes a weird face because shes in water for the first time.

Awww toy chica says. Toy chica turns on the shower hose and waits till the water is warm before wetting paris's hair.

Paris squints her eyes shut from the feeling of water on her head.

I dont think she likes it i chuckle slightly. She will get used to it toy chica says rubbing shampoo on her hair.

Toy chica asks me to continue to rub more shampoo on paris's hair as she goes and gets a towel.

Me being the father i am i push all of her hair up and style it into a mohican.

Thats better i smile. Paris looks so confused bless her heart.

Omg what have you done to her hair toy chica laughs putting the towels on the toilet seat.

I made it cool i smile. Look at her poor face toy chica laughs as she turns on the shower hose.

Ohh i thought she suited a mohican i whine as toy chica washes out the shampoo.

After toy chica washed paris's hair and her body toy chica lifts her out of the baby bath and wrap her into a towel.

After toy chica drys paris and puts her into fresh clothes i dry her hair with a towel.

Toy chica takes paris to our bedroom. Look at your messy hair toy chica says in a baby voice as she combs her hair.

Toy chica places paris in her baby swing thats in the living room. Before toy chica walks away she gently swings the chair.

I pull toy chica towards me making her squeal. I want to fuck you so badly on the sofa i say through gritted teeth.

We cant do it in front of paris toy chica says. I bite down on her bottom lips making her gasp.

Later then? i smirk, later toy chica blushes.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now