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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

As I'm driving home from the airport I grab a Starbucks ice coffee. I'm not going to feel as warm and safe at night now that toy bonnie is gone, but I will have Paris.

I break from my daydream when I hear my phone ringing in the cup holder. It's mangle, I press the answer button on my steering wheel so i can talk and drive at the same time.

"Hey mang" I say, "hey where abouts are you?" She asks. "I just dropped toy bonnie off at the airport because his going to America for five freaking weeks" I say with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Omg yeah I remember don't worry I'm coming round yours now" mangle says happily. "Ok" I laugh, I'm used to mangle just inviting herself round my house.

"What about Chica?" I ask as I take a sip of my ice coffee because I stopped at a traffic light. "She has Freddy round probably fucking" mangle says bluntly.

My eyes widen as I feel like I'm going to spit out my coffee but I swallow it quickly, "omg mangle!" I laugh Beginning to drive away from the traffic lights Turing left down the street.

"You know it's true" mangle says, "ok hoe I'm going to go because I want to listen to my music" I say using my nickname for her.

"Ok bye bitch see you at your house, love ya" mangle says. "Love ya to" I laughs ending the call.

Sometime later I pull onto my mums driveway where mangle is sitting in her car on her phone waiting for me.

Mangle perks up when she spots my car next to hers. I hop out of my car closing the door behind me.

"I brought food" mangle says as we give each other a quick hug. "Yess I was about to cook something but now you got food I don't need to" I say smiling.

"How's Paris?" Mangle asks as she follows me around to Paris's side door so I can get her out.

"She's great but soon Paris is going to realise that toy bonnie is gone and she's going to be one angry baby" I say lifting Paris out of her car seat.

"Awww" mangle says taking Paris little hand. "How is it being pregnant?" I smile closing the back door as I lock it and start heading up to the front door.

"Morning sickness is the worst" mangle groans, "Yep it was for me to but when you get to your second trimester it will go" I say unlocking the door and walking in as mangle brings the pizza box in.

We take a seat on the sofa, I turn on the tv and put on game of thrones and new series me and mangle have started watching.

Paris is laying on my lap resting her head on my arm. "What's your favourite character?" Mangle asks with a mouthful of pizza.

"I love Daenerys Targaryen mother of dragons" I say keeping my eye on the tv. "I love Arya stark she's such a badass" mangle whispers.

After binge watching a whole season of game of throne it's ten at night. "Does foxy know where you are?" I ask.

"Yeah" mangle says rubbing her stomach gently. Paris as fallen asleep on me, I lift Paris up and place her on my chest so her head is resting on my shoulder.

Mangle smiles at Paris, "I can't wait to have my baby" mangle says happily. "You will fall in love with your baby when you first meet it" I say.

"Has Paris ever thrown up on you? Because I ain't looking forward to that" Mangle asks smiling. "She's thrown up on toy bonnie more than me" I laugh.

"Good girl, let's hope my baby throws up on foxy" mangle laughs along with me. After sometime of hanging out with mangle and talking about girly things she leaves because it's getting late.

It looks like my mum won't be back until like eleven so I turn all the lights off in the house and make my way up stairs with Tate.

I make my way Into my room with Tate and Paris. I lay Paris down on the bed as she still asleep, I change Paris's nappy and get her into her pjs ready for bed.

"Tate stop giving Paris kisses I'm trying to get her ready for bed" I say buttoning up her short sleeved baby grow.

I turn my head because I hear my phone ding which means I got a message. I grab my phone to see who it is.

I smile at my phone screen as I see a message from toy Bonnie.

Hubby🌍💞💗: I just arrived in California as it's night time in London I won't bother to ringing because you go to bed about now but I all I wanted to say is that goodnight Bebe I love you and our daughter so much and I miss you two already and I will ring you in the morning. 💗💗💗💗

I grin down at my phone as I text back.

Me: I love you more my love, I'm going to miss your warms tight cuddles at night but I got Paris and Tate to hug and make me feel safe🤣💕💕

Hubby🌍💞💗: I'm going to be hugging my pillow at night and pretend it's you😔 anyways get your beauty sleep my queen 💕💞

I turn my phone off and put it on charge, I breastfed Paris half an hour ago so I won't need to do it now.

I lay Paris next to me and turn off my lamp and pull the covers over us more. Tate lays behind Paris so he knows she safe and sound.

"Night my beautiful baby" I whisper kissing her cheek before holding my daughter close to me.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now