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It's been about three weeks without Toy Bonnie and I think I might be going crazy. I haven't really been out of the house since the party I went to with mangle and the others three weeks ago.

I didn't tell Toy Bonnie about the funtime Freddy trying to grind on me because I don't want drama.

I miss Toy Bonnie so fucking much I have been texting him every hour but he hasn't answered for hours.

I know I sound really clingy but I miss my husband so much I'm not used to being without him for this long.

Paris is able to lay on the floor and lift her head up without me helping her she's growing up to quick for my likings, I still remember when the first day me and Toy Bonnie brought her home she was so small and she still is.

Pairs is laying on my chest falling to sleep, I lift my head up from looking at Paris to the door. My mum walks in, "your acting like a vampire come on I need to go out and I want you to come" my mum says.

"Uhh" I begin, "all I want to do is be with my baby" I say rubbing Paris's back gently. "You need to get out of your room, come on chop chop!!" My mum demands clapping her hands.

Even though I have a child of my own my mum will forever control me.

"Ok ok I'm getting up" I sigh getting up from the bed holding Paris close to me.

I walk out of my room and downstairs to put my shoes on. My mum is taking too long so I wait for her in the living room.

I lay Paris next to me as I do my shoes laces up. Tate jumps up onto the sofa and cuddles up next to Paris.

"You love Paris don't cha Tate" I say smiling at the two. Tate licks Paris's face making Paris pull a shocked and surprised expression.

"Aww Paris his giving you kisses" I say in a baby voice. "Ok Tate that's enough kisses for now" I laugh lifting Paris up.

"Ready?" My mum asks as she enters the living room. "Yep" I say walking out of the living room and out the front door.

I open the passenger side door to my mums white Audi TT. I pull the seat frontwards so I can put Paris in her car seat that's in the back.

After strapping Paris in I get in. The drive to wherever we're going is quiet but I love silence it's just relaxing and nice.

"Where are we even going?" I ask, "that's for me to know and for you to find out my dear" my mum says smiling.

"Okay" I says confused. Soon after we arrive at a train station, "Why in hell are we at a train station?" I asks getting Paris out of the car.

"You'll see" my mum says sounding happy. I don't know why my mother is acting weird, I follow my mum inside as we walk to the side of the tracks where people are waiting to get on their train.

A train stops and loads of people start getting off. I smile at Paris as I plant a kiss on her cheek as I slightly sway side to side.

"Toy Chica look who it is?" My mum says happily. I look to where my mum is pointing and I see him, Toy Bonnie.

"Omg!!!" I gasp. Toy Bonnie hasn't seen us yet but I catch his eye. Toy Bonnies eyes widen as he quicken his pace.

I pass Paris to my mum as I start running towards him. When I'm close enough I jump into his arms.

Toy Bonnie holds me tightly as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him smelling his scent once again.

"I've missed you so fucking much beautiful" Toy Bonnie stutters. "I can't believe your here early" I say smashing my lips onto his.

Feeling his lips on mine again makes my belly flutter. Toy Bonnie kisses me with so much passion and I can tell he has missed me so much like I have missed him.

"It feels so good to be home with my beautiful wife and daughter" Toy bonnie says smiling showing his dimples.

I cup his cheeks with both of my hands and plant another big peck on his lips.

I smile as I'm still clung onto Toy Bonnie showing no signs of letting go so Toy Bonnie just grabs his suitcase and drags them over to my mum and Paris.

My legs are wrapped around Toy Bonnies waist tightly as I have my face buried into his neck. "She ain't gonna let go for the next hour now" my mum laughs.

"I'm not complaining, how was my princess?" Toy Bonnie asks my mum. "She missed you a lot" my mum says.

"Aww I will give you cuddles once mummy lets go" Toy Bonnie says to Paris.

I don't respond all I do is still cling on to Toy Bonnie. Toy Bonnie and my mum walk down to her car.

People look at me and Toy Bonnie weirdly because I'm clinging onto him like a baby monkey but they don't understand how much I miss my husband.

Once we are home Toy Bonnie carry's Paris inside. "Aww Paris fell asleep now she doesn't want to let go like you did" Toy Bonnie laughs.

"Mother like daughter" I smirk, "how about's I put Paris to bed and you two can spend some time in your room" my mum says.

"Ok that's great thanks mum" I say smiling. Before passing Paris over to my mother I had to breastfeed her.

"Night night my beautiful baby we'll see you in the morning" I say giving Paris's little nose a kiss. After toy bonnie said his goodnight we went upstairs into my bedroom.

"I brought stuff for you and Paris but it all in the car" Toy Bonnie says as I close the door behind us.

"Shhh" I say gently pushing Toy Bonnie backwards so he fall backwards onthe bed. "I just want to be with you and at the moment bebe" I say gently crawling onto him.

I smirk when I see Toy Bonnies hands on my ass. Toy Bonnie closes the gap between us as he  runs his fingers through my long hair.

I kiss him roughly as I feel Toy Bonnie bite down on my bottom lip. I slide my tongue into his mouth feeling Toy Bonnie do the same to me.

I pull apart slightly, "Your so sexy in grey" I smirk putting my hand underneath his grey T-shirt running my hands up his muscular chest.

"Is that the reason why you stopped kissing me because you wanted to say that I'm sexy in grey" Toy Bonnie smirks playfully.

I drag my fingertips gently over Toy Bonnie chest making him flinch now and then because it tickles.

"It's your birthday next week" Toy Bonnie says. "I know" I smile at him, "what do you want?" Toy Bonnie says gently.

"You only you" I says pecking Toy Bonnie lips. "You already have me beautiful" Toy Bonnie says smiling.

"Well surprise me" I smirk slightly, "mmm I definitely will surprise you" Toy Bonnie says sexily biting his bottom lip gently.

I shake my head and laughs, "I would want to have some fun but it's later and I'm tired" I say smiling taking my clothes off so I'm in my underwear to sleep.

Toy Bonnie eyes are glued on me at I take my clothes off. I crawl back into bed and under the covers.

After Toy Bonnie undresses he pulls my body closer to his. I turn the lamp off ready to go to sleep.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now