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I'm relaxing on the sofa after me and toy chicas had some fun. I smile to myself as I get up from the sofa and put my boxer back one.

Toy Chica makes her way back into the living with a bottle of water holding Paris. I turn my head to the little table that sits next to the sofa.

My phone is ringing, I look at the screen and it's my dad. "Hello?" I speak down the phone.

"Hi toy Bonnie how are you?" My dad says down the phone. "Im good Paris is also doing better now she's back home" I say.

"That's good, so I need to tell you something important about businesses" my dad says.

"Ok" is all I say before my dad continues speaking. "I'm going to America for five week for work because as you know I got company's out there that I go to every year and now that your older I need you to come with me" my dad says.

"When are you leaving?" I ask. "We are leaving in three days. I know you probably don't want to leave because of Paris's disappearance and you want to stay home with toy Chica and Paris but this is important for your future and toy chicas and Paris's" my dad says.

"Ok dad" I say, "great I will speak to you soon" my dad says down the phone.

"Bye dad" I say before ending the call. "Not to be nosey but what did your dad want?" Toy Chica smiles.

"Your probably going to be upset with this" I say looking at toy Chica watching her facial expressions change.

"What is it?" Toy Chica says. "Me and my dad are flying over to American for five weeks and we are leaving in three days" I say.

"W-What I don't want you to leave now not after what just happened" Toy Chica says sadly. I sigh sadly feeling bad for leaving toy Chica and Paris for five weeks. "I know beautiful but I have to go for our future because I'll be taking over my dad company one day" I say getting up and walking over to toy Chica that's sitting on the single chair.

"Five weeks is a long time" Toy Chica says quietly as she holds Paris closer to her. "I know but I will be back just right before your birthday" I say trying to lighten up the mood.

"I'm not going yet I got three days to be with you much more than I'm already am" I smile pulling toy Chica close.

Toy Chica perks up slightly, "I guess your right" she smiles. "Can I hold my little princess?" I ask smiling down at toy Chica.

"Duh, ok course!" Toy Chica laughs passing Paris to me. I put one hand behind Paris's head because she's not old enough to hold up her head up by herself and I put my other hand behind her back.

Paris big green eyes stare at me with the biggest grin on her face. "I love you" I says in a high pitch voice as I quickly peck Paris's lips making her laughs.

"Aww pairs smiles so much when you hold her it's because she's daddas girl" toy chica says smiling down at Paris.

"Paris would not be good with a little sister or brother" I laughs. "No paris would not want to share you with anyone she even gets angry when you give me kisses and cuddles" toy Chica giggles.

"Aww" I says kissing her nose. All of a sudden Tate trots in. "Come here" Toy Chica says patting her legs.

Tate wags his tail as he runs up to toy Chica and jumps up putting his paws on her stomach. "I love you to" toy Chica says playing with his big floppy ears.

"Come it's nice outside let's go sit in the garden" toy Chica says walking out of the living room with Tate.

I follow toy Chica out into the garden. Paris rests her chin on my shoulder as she holds onto my arm.

Toy Chica sits on the big wooden garden swing that's at the back of the garden. "I'm going to miss you two for five weeks" I sigh sitting next to toy Chica on the swing.

"Paris is going to notice that your gone and she's going to be so upset but you need to do this for our future" toy Chica says using her foot to push back the swing making it rock backward and forward slowly.

"I love you toy Chica Jones" I say grinning, "I love you toy bonnie Jones" Toy Chica giggles as she grins moving closer to me.

I close the gap between us slowly. Toy Chica kisses me back softly. I use my free hand to cup toy Chicas cheek.

"Your so gorgeous it unreal" I say pulling apart giving toy chica one last peck on her lips. Toy Chica gives my chest little and gentle pecks making her way down to my abs.

"Your all mine" toy Chica says protectively making her way back up to my face. "Mmhm that's right" I say smiling at toy Chica.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now