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Lucky I got home before toy bonnie did so he didn't see my wedding dress. I hang it up in the back of my wardrobe. Me and toy Bonnie have separate wardrobes so he doesn't have to go through mine also I have a lock on my wardrobe.

Paris was sleepy so I put Paris in her cot to have a afternoon nap. I go to the bathroom to take off my makeup.

As I'm taking off my makeup I hear toy bonnie walk through the apartment and go straight to our bedroom.

I walk out of the bathroom and sit on the sofa to watch some Netflix. Did you get everything you needed toy Bonnie speaks as he sits next to me on the sofa.

Yeah I did I say smiling. I feel toy bonnie wrap his arms around my waist and pulls me onto his lap.

Toy Bonnie!! I squeal, I'm watching something I laugh. Not anymore your not toy bonnie smirk as he holds me by my hips.

Where's Paris? Toy Bonnie wonders as he looks around us. She was sleepy so I put her to bed for a little nap I say.

We have some time to ourselves toy Bonnie says kissing my neck up to my jawline.

I close my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. You need a hair cut I say. If I get it cut shorter you can't run your fingers through it and I like it when you do that toy bonnie says.

Toy bonnie leans in to give me a kiss I play along and pretend I'm going in for the kiss but when my lips are inches from his lips I pull away smirking.

Hey!! Toy Bonnie says. I stick my tongue out and climb off his lap and stand up. I go to walk to the kitchen but toy Bonnie picks me up.

Toy bonnie!! Squeal, put me down!! I demand.
Toy Bonnie puts me over he shoulder like I'm a freaking sand bag.

Toy bonnieeee!! I scream but I break into a laugh. Put me down I giggle as toy Bonnie spins around.

As my face is near his bum I pull his tracksuit bottom and pants. Ooo nice bum bum I laugh slapping it.

Don't slap my bum bum toy Bonnie says. You slap mine all the time I argue back like a

That's different you have a nice ass toy Bonnie says as he squeezes my bum. You have a nice ass for a man I says.

Why are we rating each other's bums?? I say. Your the one who started it toy bonnie laughs.

I wiggle on toy Bonnies shoulder trying to get comfortable. Ok fair I did start it I huff.

Can you put me down I say. Mmmmm..nah I like this view toy Bonnie says slapping my ass.

I manage to wiggle out of toy Bonnies grip. I run and grab a pillow so I can hit him with it if he try's to pick me up again.

How did you get out of my grip?? Toy Bonnie asks. Because I'm a fast mover I smirk gripping the pillow tighter.

Ohh are you now?? toy bonnie says grabbing a pillow from the sofa. Yes I am I say as I throw the pillow at him playfully.

Toy bonnie dodges it smoothly. Toy Bonnie throws the pillow at me. The pillow hit my stomach making me fall back.

Lucky the sofa is behind me. Oww I say laying on the sofa. Not fair!! You got a more stronger throw than me I huff crossing my arms in front of my chest.

I tired to be as gentle as I can toy bonnie says smirking. I'm going to tackle you to the floor in a minute Jones!! I say out of breathe getting up.

Come on then! toy bonnie smirks playfully. No, because that will be wasting my time I say.

Come tackle me toy bonnie smiles. I grab his arms and try twisting them but his more stronger so they won't twist.

I push him back and put my foot behind his so when he walks back he will trip up and fall.

But sadly it doesn't work. Nice try toy bonnie smirks. Toy Bonnie picks me up and throws me onto the sofa playfully.

I can't be bothered to move so I just lay there out of breathe. Toy Bonnie climbs on top of me smirking.

I won toy bonnie says, I stick my tongue out at him. My eyes widen when he smashes his lips onto mine.

I close my eyes and kiss him back. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Toy Bonnie lifts my t-shirt up showing my stomach. Toy Bonnie gently starts kissing my stomach.

Toy Bonnie~ I moan, god I love you so fucking toy Bonnie says. I love you More I say resting my head on the arm rest of the sofa.

I'm going to show you how much I love you toy bonnie says pulling down my jeans.

I bite my lip as toy Bonnie throw my jeans to the side and starts kissing the inside of my thighs.

I gasp from the feeling. The warm feeling of his lips pressing against my sensitive skin gently.

Toy Bonnie stops when he gets close to my womanhood. Your so wet for me already toy bonnie says pecking me lips.

Toy Bonnie slowly slides my Calvin Klein thong down my legs. Your so gorgeous toy bonnie says putting my thong on the floor.

I spread my legs wide for him. Toy Bonnie leans down to my womanhood and starts licking slowly.

This makes my body Spaz out in a good way. Toy Bonnie holds onto both of my thighs as he slowly eats out the most sensitive spot in my whole body.

You taste so fucking good toy Bonnie breathe. I moan as I close my eyes from pleasure.

My eyes shoot open when I feel toy bonnie place two fingers inside of me as well.

F-fuck~ I moan as I lean my head back on the arm rest. I look down at my stomach as see love bites are there.

I love when toy bonnie marks my body with his love. Im so close I breath, toy Bonnie moves his fingers fast inside of me.

I come hard, I sigh in relief as I close my eyes smiling. Toy Bonnie licks me one more time, he  moves his head up and sucks on his two fingers.

That's how much I fucking love you toy bonnie says laying on his front in between my legs.

His rests his head on my breasts and wraps his arms around my back. I love you I say, I love you toy bonnie says before falling asleep on me.


Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now