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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

I feel pressure on my body as I try and see what's happening. "Vincent?" I question as I start to panic. Vincent smiles Evilly down at me as he starts to take my clothes off.

My heart beats really fast as I start sweating. I see Toy Bonnie standing behind him as I try and struggle out underneath Vincent.

"Toy Bonnie help me!" I shout as I start to cry. Toy Bonnie just stands there not doing anything.

My breathing become rapid as everything starts to fade.

I shot up in bed trying to get my breath back it's like I've been on the run. "Toy Chica are you ok?!" Toy Bonnie asks worriedly turning the lamp on.

I can't help but to start crying, "no, I had a bad nightmare" I sob as Toy Bonnie wraps his arms around me trying to comfort me.

"What was it about?" Toy Bonnie asks gently. I wipe my eye with my hand before I start talking. "Vincent was on top of me and I tried to move but my body felt numb and you was behind him watching and not doing anything even when I screamed your name to help me" I cry.

"Bebe" Toy Bonnie sighs sadly as he kisses my head. "It's ok, your ok nothing is gonna hurt you" Toy Bonnie says gently stroking the back of my head as I cry on his shoulder.

"It felt so real, I thought it was real" I say as I wipe away my tears but they seem to come back more.

"No it's not real and it won't be bebe" Toy Bonnie says calmly. I cry into his chest for a bit but soon I stop.

"I thought the nightmares have stopped from the last time" I says rubbing my face with my hands.

"Do you want me to book an appointment with the doctor to see if he can help you with all this" Toy Bonnie asks.

"What is a doctor gonna do?" I say, "get you into therapy to help you deal with this because I hate seeing you like this and plus I think it would be good to get stuff off your chest about Vincent" Toy Bonnie says.

I nod, "maybe your right it might help me" I say Getting out of bed to check on Paris. She is peacefully sleeping snuggled up with Mr Carrots.

I unlocks the balcony door and walk out. I lean on the metal bars as I look out into our big garden that has lots of land.

I feel arms wrap around me from behind making my jump a little. "It's ok it's me" Toy Bonnie says.

I lean Into Toy Bonnie warm chest. "It's so quiet" I say looking out onto the pitch black gardens.

"It sure is my love" Toy Bonnie Says nuzzling his nose into my neck. "Toy Bonnie that tickles" I giggle.

Toy Bonnie starts kissing my neck gently making my body feel weak. Toy Bonnie kissing my neck is one of my weak spots.

I gasp slightly as my heart starts to race. I feel Toy Bonnie start sucking on my neck making me close my eyes from pleasure.

I feel myself getting spun around making me giggle. Toy Bonnie slams his lips onto mine making me smile.

Toy Bonnie fingers are tangled in my hair as he kisses me lovingly. Toy Bonnie slides his tongue into my mouth making me moan as I do the same.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now