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𝒯ℴ𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓈 𝒫ℴ𝓋

After getting Toy Bonnies stuff from his dads we just go straight home, I will just get my stuff tomorrow there is no rush.

Paris has fallen asleep in her car seat which is good because she normally has a nap everyday around this time.

I don't know why but I have been feeling really hormonal maybe it's because my period is coming but other than that I don't know.

I stare at Toy Bonnies face as his looking at the road, driving. Toy Bonnie is literally the sexiest, the fittest and the most gorgeous/handsome man I have ever seen.

His toned body is just...UHHH I fucking love him so much. Also his personality is the freaking best his so gentle, kind, loyal and charming.

I slowly snake my hand to the top of his jeans. Toy Bonnie look down because he feels movement near his jeans.

"Beautiful what are you doing?" Toy Bonnie questions gently. "Nothing" I smile innocently as I unbutton his jeans and slide my hand down his boxers.

Toy Bonnies eyes widen in shock, "Toy Chica I'm driving" Toy Bonnie says nervously. "All you need to do is just sit and continue driving" I say biting my bottom lip as I slowly start to jerk Toy Bonnie off.

I feel Toy Bonnie getting harder and harder in my hand. Toy Bonnie groans slightly gripping onto the steering wheel tightly.

"F-Fuck~" Toy Bonnie says with widen as I speed up. "Bebe I'm gonna come" Toy Bonnie says as I feel him come in his boxers.

I slowly slide my hand out of his boxers. "Drive faster I want to get home" I say looking at Toy Bonnie with sex eyes.

Toy Bonnie drives faster. Soon after We pull up to our house. Once Toy Bonnie turns off his engine I get Paris out of the car.

Toy Bonnie heads straight to our bedroom probably to change his boxers. I carry a sleeping Paris up to her room.

I gently place her down in her cot with her carrot teddy. I slowly close her bedroom door once I'm out.

I speed walk down the hallway to my bedroom. I open the door to see Toy Bonnie changing into a new pair of boxer.

"They won't be on for long" I say closing and locking the door. Toy Bonnie walks over to me and slams his lips onto mine.

I kiss Toy Bonnie roughly as I snake my tongue into his mouth. I gasp when I feel Toy Bonnie pull my top over my head leaving me in my jeans and bra.

I quickly unbutton my jeans impatiently stepping out of them nearly tripping over.

"Woah! nearly" Toy Bonnie chuckles kicking my jeans to the side as he lifts me up from my thighs.

I wrap my legs around his waist tight as I start kissing and sucking on Toy Bonnie neck leaving love bites.

Toy Bonnie places me on our bed behind us. "Your so beautiful" Toy Bonnie says as his lips trace over mine.

Toy Bonnie unclips my bra and throws it to the side out of the way. Toy Bonnie gently pecks my lips before kissing along my jawline and down my neck.

Every time Toy Bonnie kisses my neck it makes me shiver because my neck is sensitive. I gasp when I feel Toy Bonnie nibble and suck on my sweet spot which is underneath my ear.

I close my eyes from pleasure as I run my finger through his thick dirty blond hair. I feel Toy Bonnie erection poking at my womanhood making me go insane.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now