my love

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trigger warnings ⚠️
I've been pacing around the room for hours after the news I just got. Earlier today I got a call from my doctor telling me to come in as soon as possible. When I arrived they just told me flat out "your dying margret" I've been living with Dengue Fever for almost 3 hours now. When I was out running errands earlier I felt a sharp sting in my arm, almost like I was getting a shot with a huge needle but I looked down to just see a tiny mosquito. I laughed it off and continued my day. It started hurting badly when I got home but I thought nothing of it. As the doctor tells me the news and the effects of it I'm just hoping that it'll go away and I'll be okay and I can live my life with Billie and Mason and Maggie (our children. I got inseminated of course) . I tell them to run the test again and I get up to leave the office. That is until I'm hit with a harsh wind that knocks me over to my knees. I immediately lose track of what is going on and my vision becomes black.
I wake up in a hospital bed and I look down at my arms to see IV's poking out of my arms and Billie to my side.

"hey princess" she says softly. i can tell she has been crying just by the tone of her voice.

"hey" i croak. with my throat being dry I could barely get a word out.

As I open my mouth again the doctor comes in and takes Billie out of the room to talk to her. I try not to but I could still hear them out in the hall faintly.

"I'm sorry she's just not going to make it through the night." They say remorsefully.

"don't fucking say that. she will. i know she can" Billie cries out in anger and sadness

"I'm sorry Miss. Eilish" they say as they walk away.

Billie sniffs up and walks back into the room. She sits down on the chair next to my bed silently and just hold my hand.

"baby are you okay ?" I ask

"they're saying you won't make it through the night" she says looking up at me.

"i won't billie." I say blankly

she looks at me with wide eyes and just starts sobbing.

"baby look at me" i say softly

she looks up

"no matter what. i need you to take care of mason and maggie please. i love you" I say weakly.

"of course and i love you too" she says smiling through the pain.


time skip to her funeral.

As I'm walking up to Margrets casket with Mason and Maggie in hand I just grip their hands tighter letting them know that we will be okay.

"you wanna say hi to mommy" I say looking down at their beautiful faces.

they both nod their heads and say hello to their mother and they hug the casket. I look away as my hearts starts tearing more and more at the thought of them knowing that she is dead.

I sit the kids back with my mom as Margrets mom passed away last year. I walk back up to the casket and look at her lifeless body. Her skin pale, her lips dry, her body just so entirely cold. All I could say was.

"goodbye forever my love"
this chapter goes out to Goodbyeforevermylove
bye bye lovies 💞🤩

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