babysitter 2

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trigger warnings ⚠️
"billie , you gotta leave in 15 minutes to make it in time!" my brother finneas yells from downstairs.

"aight i'm comin" i say skipping down the stairs.

"what do you have planned today with Ella ?" Finneas questions me , taking a bite of his toast.

"well i'm gonna prank her into thinking i'm cheating on her then i'm gonna surprise her with all the stuff." i explain

"hopefully she forgives you for prancing her, i still have glass in my hair from the last prank." finneas says rummaging his hands through his hair.

"i hope." i day and with that i leave the house and head over to stassie's apartment since she's helping me prank Ella.
"okay so basically i'm gonna text you and just play along. got it" i say going over the plan 2 more times before i leave.

"got it bills" she says hugging me and i leave.


I pull into the drive way and exit my car , before i could even get all the way to the door , Ella swings it open and waits for me to come in.

"hi baby" ella says engulfing me in a hug.

"hi angel" i say pecking her lips.

then eli comes down stairs.

"gross" he says

"hey booger" i say bringing him into a headlock and shaking his hair.

Me and Eli were the first to click when I first started working for the Adams family. We played Fortnite together and everything. One day I told him I had a tiny crush on his sister so he hooked us up.

"hey where's my nickname" ella says with puppy dog eyes

Me and Eli look at each other and laugh.

Ella breaks out a short laugh then heads over to the couch and turns on Netflix so that we can continue watching our show.

Before to long Ella finally falls asleep making this the perfect time to take action.

"eli!" i whisper yell

"what ?" she whispers

I motion for him to come here.

"okay so today is me and your sisters 2 year anniversary and i wanna do something special for her but you gotta help me." I explain

"anything what's up?" he says

"i need you to go get me one of your heavy screen protectors" i say

he runs upstairs quietly and bring the protector back down.

"anything else?" he asks

"okay now i want you to go upstairs and pretend to be asleep." i say

"i'm already sleepy" he says laughing and running upstairs to his room.

I open my phone and text stassie and i also change her name to wifey .

I basically text her on some flirtatious shit.

I put the protector on my phone and write Ella a note telling her that i'm at the store. i'm not.

I head over to stassie's and she immediately pulls out all her makeup sets.

"woah i just want a fake hickey. not a beyoncé beat!" i laugh

"oh shut up just let me do my thing" she says

-we jam out to music for about 15 minutes while she makes my hickey-

"alright eilish that should be good. now we need to go now before ella wakes up!" stassie says

we leave her apartment and go to the mall outlet and just shop and shop until we got everything.

"we got everything?" stassie asks out of breath

"yeah we got it" i laugh

"i'll help you put this stuff in the trunk." she says

-we put the stuff in the trunk and i leave back to ella's house-

"baby i'm back" i say joyfully

"i'm right here" ella says sounding upset

"baby what's wrong?" i question , already knowing the answer.

"you went to the store for a hour and didn't get any food?" she says looking at my empty hands.

"they didn't have what you like" i lie

"hmm and what's this on your neck ?" she says pointing to my fake hickey.

"oh i-uh burned myself with the straightener." i lie again

"oh okay billie. take you phone and your stuff and go back to your wifey." she says looking at me

"what?" i say trying to contain my laughter

"i saw you phone. really .?!" she yells

"i don't know what your talking about ." i say looking down

"here let me. walk you out to your car so you. can never come back" she says standing up.

I follow her out to my car and after i open the door i speak.

"one more thing" i say

she turns around and rolls her eyes while looking at me.

i pop the trunk and she looks at it.

"you got pranked, happy anniversary baby!" I say

"yoooo i fucking hate your ass bro!" she screams running towards me before jumping into my arms.

i love you too angel.
a.c ❤️
do you guys wanna part 3 , it'll probably be smut!!

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