001 | That Blonde Girl With Bangs

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t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Jungkook shook his head as he opened his conversation with Taehyung. Taehyung wasn't lying when he said that he was going to send him pictures and videos of Lisa everyday.

Jungkook found it rather annoying. He can't block Taehyung, it'd only make him upset. He actually tried to convince him to avoid doing it before he even started, but Taehyung seemed firm. He wanted Jungkook to like everyone in BLACKPINK.

The first picture Taehyung ever sent him was when Lisa was wearing this blue shirt. She looked adorable there. Only there, he thought. Her doe eyes, her plump lips, her pale skin. He actually adored her there. Only there.

Jungkook didn't react or anything considering that Taehyung was just across the room, looking ay him cheekily. "Isn't she cute, Kookie?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.

Taehyung stared at the picture he sent Jungkook and began to smile. "She really is cute. I can't wait to meet them next week!"

Jungkook looked at his hyung, a bit uninterested. But still, he needed to talk to him or else Taehyung would throw a fit and immediately report him to the hyung line. Of course it just goes down to his dislike towards BLACKPINK's Lisa and he'd get scolded once again.

That Lisa just makes my life harder.

"Hyung, we won't meet them next week. We're going to attend the same award show. That's it. It's not like we're going to interact with them or anything-"

"Aren't you such a negative jerk? I really don't get why you don't like Lisa-"

"Can't you let me be?" Jungkook groaned. "I mean, I like Rosé. At least I don't like that Lisa of yours." Jungkook tried to explain.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. Sure he has a big crush on Lisa, but he had this gut that's telling him that something's wrong. Something is definitely wrong.

Once Taehyung was going to protest, the door swung open, revealing Namjoon. "Ah, there you are. Yoongi hyung's been looking for you."

Taehyung lazily stood up and glanced at Jungkook before he left. And now, Jungkook was all alone in their dressing room. Yeah, they were going to rehearse for their performance next week at a specific award show.

Since they were going to rehearse in thirty minutes or so, the rest decided to entertain themselves and explore the building. Jungkook on the other hand, felt rather lazy to even stand up.

He wasn't usually like that, to be honest. He, too, noticed his sudden change these past few days. He just couldn't lay a finger on why or how, though.

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