073 | Explaining To A Political Science Graduate

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- M A N O B A N -f i r s tp e r s o n

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- M A N O B A N -
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

I massaged my temples, feeling a bit sick as it was traffic on the way to our scheduled promotion. We were almost running late, geez.

And get this, Suji had the guts to call me.

Fucking great, that made me headache even more.

"I'm so sorry, Gucci. I really tried to catch up. I'm literally walking barefooted right now on my pyjamas," I overheard Tae oppa on the phone, talking to Jennie unnie.

Can you actually believe that? Tae oppa tried to catch up, we actually saw him running towards our van barefooted, yelling Jennie unnie's name but Hana unnie was a bit cruel today and didn't allow the van to stop.

"Geez, don't do something preposterous! What if you got hurt? Are your feet okay?" Jennie unnie worried.

"I'm really okay, Gucci. I'm in the elevator right now heading up to my condo. Please stay safe. I'm so sorry for what happened last night, I'll make it up to you once you get home. How does instant ramen and coffee sound?"

What a weird duo for food. Instant ramen and coffee? Never tried that yet.

Jennie unnie began to smile, "At the convenience store by the fountain, what do you say?"

"Perfect. See you later then?"

"Yes. See you later, Gucci."

"By the way, remember that everytime I wear Gucci, I think of you."

"But you always wear Gucci--"

"Exactly." Tae oppa chuckled. "I love you, Gucci."

"I love you, too. Stay safe, okay?"

"To you, too. Please don't stress and overwork, I don't want my mandu's chubby cheeks to disappear."

"Yah! I'm no mandu!" Jennie unnie exclaimed. And I heard Jisoo unnie giggle at the corner.

"Bye, bye Gucci! I love you!"

Jungkook tried to call me earlier but I declined. However, I did reply to his text messages. I think I just need some space right now. Everything isn't really turning out okay for me.

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