050 | Jeon J

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Q: Why is the story hella long?
A: Cause Liskook is hella cute.

- M A N O B A N -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- M A N O B A N -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Lisa was just blow-drying her hair, just as she was talking to Jungkook on the phone. Jungkook has been acting rather strange ever since last night. It was noticeable (to her), of course. However, she decided to temporarily disregard that thought.

Surely Jungkook would tell her if there's anything bothering him, right? Right.

Once she was all done, she ended her call with Jungkook when he told her that he was already nearby. Lisa opened her door, a grin plastered across her face as she inhaled the--odd smell of burnt eggs?

She immediately raced out of her room, face-palming upon seeing Chaeyoung trying her best to flip the omelette (was that even an omelette?) she was trying to prepare.

Chaeyoung squealed as she tried to flip it, and it made Jisoo - who was quietly eating popcorn, calmly sitting on a chair in their dining room - laugh. She simply watched Chaeyoung as she was close to burning her kitchen.

And Jisoo was calm about it.


"What's the occasion?" Lisa asked, her forehead quickly creasing.

Jennie came out of her room, a towel wrapped around her neck. It seemed like she just took a bath. "She's trying to be wife-material, that's the occasion."

"Wife material?" Lisa paused for a moment, shrugging it off and took a peek at how Chaeyoung was doing. Not to mention, also looking around for possible fire exits.

"Chaeng, that's now how you--geez, you're not making pizza! Don't twirl the omelette around like that!" Jennie was close to fainting as she watched Chaeyoung.

Jisoo still smiled at them, still chewing on her popcorn. "And what's up with her?" Lisa pointed thumb onto the eldest female.

Chaeyoung and Jennie snapped their heads towards Jisoo, and Chaeyoung was the one who answered first. "Oh, Yoongi oppa explained and reconciled. That's what."

Lisa pursed her lips, noticing that Jisoo wasn't actually watching Chaeyoung, but she was actually looking ahead, probably daydreaming about her wedding with Yoongi.

Well, he was her bias after all, and now he's her somewhat boyfriend. Wow.

Lisa decided to refrain herself from disturbing Jisoo from daydreaming in her delusional world of being Yoongi's possible wife, keeping in mind that the elder might freak out and throw a tantrum once she realised that Chaeyoung almost burnt her kitchen.

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