087 | 2019 PT. 2

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Bambam clinked his glass with Nayeon, laughing out loud with her. You see, JYP decided to arrange a New Year Party for the artists under his entertainment.

    And now, here they were, having the time of their lives. Nayeon wearily giggled, “Mina! Yah, Minari!” she called, quickly catching the attention of the mentioned female.

    Mina immediately approached them, her eyes widening upon seeing that Nayeon was with Bambam. Oh, no. This can't be good.

    “U–unnie . . . I think you're drunk,” Mina calmly told Nayeon.

    Nayeon gawked, laughing her heart out afterwards. “Bammie! Did you hear that?”

    Bambam laughed as well, “Yah! Mina–yah, noona's not drunk yet, okay?” He also did an okay sign, smiling at Mina.

    Mina rolled her eyes, sighing at Bambam. “Yah, you're also drunk.”

    Bambam lifted his brows up, amused. "What are you talking about?” he snorted. “I am not drunk!” he exclaimed.

    “Anyway, Bam. What do you think of our darling, Mina?” Nayeon wiggled her eyebrows at him.

    Mina gulped, trying to pull Nayeon away. “Unnie, let's go——”

    “Hm? What about Mina?” Bambam asked, feeling a bit tipsy as well.

    Nayeon removed Mina's hand from clutching onto her, “Yah, yah. Didn't you hear that? He's interested!” She giggled. “I'm helping you, Mina–yah!”

    “Oh my gosh, this is embarrassing.” Mina face-palmed.

    “Anyway, Mina's so pretty, so graceful, I mean, she could be anyone's ideal type,” Nayeon started off.

    All of the sudden, Bambam's phone started to ring. Babe 💋. He answered it, still a bit tipsy. “Hello? Babe?”

    Nayeon continue to blabber about Mina in the background, though. Meanwhile, Mina was purely heartbroken upon hearing Bambam address the person he was talking to on the phone as babe.

    Mina fell silent, simply looking at him.

    “Bam . . .” Lisa sniffed.

    In an instant, Bambam felt sober. He straightened up, as if all the drinks didn't have an effect on him, anymore. “Are you crying?”

    “I need you right now, Bam . . .Lisa sniffed once again. “Please.

    “Where are you?”

    “The park.

    “Stay right where you are, I'm coming over.” Bambam quickly ended the call. He then turned towards Mina and Nayeon, smiling at them. “I'm sorry, I have to go.”

    There, he sped away. Nayeon, who was obviously drunk, yelled. “Yah! I'm not done complimenting Mina!”

    “Stop.” Mina sighed, devastation heard from her voice. “Just . . . stop.”



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