027 | Again With The Phone Call

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- M A N O B A N -

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- M A N O B A N -

t h i r d
p e r s o n .

"I hated her the first time I saw her," Lisa grunted, opening her little juice box as she talked to Bambam through the video call.

Bambam chuckled, finding them cute. He would definitely want a front row seat to watch the two bicker all the way, but he was sure that Lisa would win. Why? Her main sport is boxing.

"You said that she was cute--"

"Well I was being plastic." Lisa pursed her lips.

"You weren't." Bambam chuckled once more. He knew Lisa too well, and so he also knew that she was lying. ""nyway, she asked me what our relationship was, I told her that you're like my sister. By the way, Jungkook and I talked about you two earlier, Sydney's a very distant cousin. But they're close somehow."

Lisa rolled her eyes, sipping from her straw. "I care, why? I don't want anything to do with the two of them. Let me guess, she was so stubborn on your date, right?"

Bambam shook his head, quickly declining. "She was very nice, she told me that she didn't like you the first time she saw you, too."

"I know we made a promise that I'd be the maid of honour in your wedding, and you'd be the best man in mine - but if you're marrying her, I'd appreciate it if you don't even send me an invitation!"

"You hate her that much, huh?" Bambam began to laugh, finding in really amusing on how Lisa just bickered at someone in the first meeting. She'd usually bicker at someone that she doesn't like in the second meeting, not in the first.

"Yes. I don't like her for you." Lisa crossed her arms.

"I'm going to make a prediction for myself. I like her, Lisa. I find her amusing and interesting. I'm going to continue this."

Lisa had no choice, who was she to prevent him to date anyone, anyway? As long as her bestfriend was happy, she was as well.

"Fine, I'll try to be good to her next time then. If and only if she behaves."

"Wow, behave is a pretty big word for you, Lalice," the male teased, prompting the female to sarcastically laugh.

Their conversation went on until Youngjae called Bambam for dinner, and so he had to hang up.

Lisa on the other hand, noticed how her phone swarmed with text messages and missed calls from the one and only Kim Taehyung.

She read each and every one of them, and she wanted to reply so bad. When she came home, she saw that Jennie stayed in their dorm the whole day, and that she didn't even see Taehyung.

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