059 | Alice Park

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- P A R K , J -
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

A tremulous smile escaped my lips as my eyes landed onto Alice noona who already spotted me beforehand. Jeon Jungkook, you better find me a good funeral service.

Our meet-up got cancelled the last time since Alice noona needed to go to the States for an event. Now, I just wish that someone would just call her and tell her that she is needed elsewhere.

Here I was, meeting up with Alice noona just two hours after our concert here. Last time I felt this nervous was when Pasta-err, Rosé-ssi took me to Melbourne to meet her family. They were extremely warm and inviting - all except for Alice noona who managed to make my spine chill the first time I saw her.

Alice noona never failed to make me nervous. What more if I'm going to meet up with her this time?

Apparently, Rosé-ssi's parents were still unaware of our split up. My parents and my little brother were unaware of it, too.

The boys came along with me, scattered somewhere in this private eatery. I failed to spot them, but I was sure that they were ready to backup if ever Alice noona suddenly decides to stab me.

Dear Lord, please save me.

I approached her table, and she just gave me a bored look. I pulled a chair up, gulping as I sat at the chair in front of her. "N-noona," I managed to smile.

Geez, is this even a smile?

She tapped on her phone, and seemed like she was texting someone. She manages various runway and modelling events, so no one can really blame her if she's busy.

She sighed, placing her phone face down onto the table. I didn't dare to meet her eyes, I was sure that she was glaring at me. The scene lasted for a long minute that I swore lasted for a whole hour.

Just then, a waiter came and brought some food onto the table. "I've ordered beforehand, already knowing what you like since Roseanne practically blabbers your likes and dislikes before," she coldly said.

I nodded, clearing my throat. I could feel my hands trembling, failing to pick the spoon up properly. "I'm sorry if I-I'm late, noona--"

"Traffic, I know," she cut me off. "That's why I came earlier."

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I decided to just focus on eating. I can already feel death approaching.

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