037 | Wife-Material

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- J E O N -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- J E O N -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Jungkook smiled, once again feeling that familiar sense of happiness when he woke up. His eyes were still closed, yet his lips were already curved into a smile.

He sniffed, smelling a familiar scent of perfume. His eyes fluttered open, just to see Lisa peacefully sleeping besides him.

I wish it was like this from the start. He thought, staring at the female. He has never felt this kind of euphoria all his life, he never even expected to feel it from her.

Guess the best gifts always come from unexpected packages. And boy, did he receive the full package. He stroked her hair, savouring the moment.

He remembered that they were going to return to Seoul today, and somehow, it pained him thinking how all of this could end in a blink of an eye.

Last night . . . felt surreal for him. She kissed him, and he felt like he was on cloud nine for a moment there. He remembered it clearly - the moment she kissed him, he immediately kissed back, cupping her cheeks.

He leaned in even closer, her arms wrapping around his neck. They pulled away, both out of breath. It was a bit dark, but Jungkook clearly saw Lisa's smile - her sincere smile.

He felt like he had a chance.

He giggled once Lisa suddenly hugged him tighter, Jungkook pulled her closer, kissing her head. His heart started to beat rapidly, and he no longer cared if she heard it.

Jungkook noticed how she was already groaning, already waking up. Too bad, he wasn't done appreciating her. Her eyes fluttered upon, just to see Jungkook besides her, smiling.

"Good morning, doll," he greeted her.

He actually expected her to push him away, well, he mentally prepared himself already. He expected her to squeal, freak out, get flustered and such. You know, the usual things Lisa would do since she's the type to embarrass herself in front of her crush.

Instead, Jungkook received a soft smile from her, and he started to hug him tighter. It surprised him, but boy, he wasn't complaining.

"You're not beating me up, that's new," Jungkook chuckled.

Lisa sat up, tying her hair up into a messy bun, she was still a bit sleepy, but she had to get up. "Bet you're hungry, we didn't eat dinner last night. Want me to prepare something for you?"

Jungkook felt attacked - he was close to having a heart attack, actually. God, this mustn't be a dream. "Careful there, doll," Jungkook smiled at her, unable to refrain his feels, "stop being so wife-material, I might marry you on the spot."

Lisa rolled her eyes, chuckling afterwards. "Yeah, whatever. Freshen up, okay? My bathroom's that way," she pointed at a certain direction, "I'm sure dad took mom to the hospital, so we might be the only ones here for now."

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