031 | As If It's Your Last

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- M A N O B A N -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- M A N O B A N -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Their shoot ended - Chaeyoung and Lisa got to explain everything to Jennie and Jisoo. At first, the two were utterly mad at them, telling them that they shouldn't let men sleep in their room just as that, even if they didn't do anything.

The two youngests apologised, telling the two that they will not repeat it. However, after a few seconds ran, Jisoo suddenly thought of this - "Wait, so Jungkook said he loves you?"

Lisa gulped, unable to think that Jisoo would suddenly point that out. She slowly nodded, biting her bottom lip. Instead of the reaction that Lisa hoped she would get from the eldest, it was the exact opposite.

Jisoo pulled Lisa into a corner to talk to her in private. "When he told you he loves you, what did you say?"

Lisa shook her head, looking at her feet. "But I dreamt of him that night . . . I thought he was going to leave me, but he was just going somewhere and he said that he'll return . . ." Lisa looked at Jisoo, "in my dream, he also told me he loves me . . ."


"I told him that I love him, too." Lisa sighed. "I know, unnie. This isn't right. I really have to spend more time with Tae oppa--"

"Alright, enough of your Tae oppa, Lali." Jisoo chuckled. "You said it yourself, you love Jungkook. Maybe you just like Taehyung, you know?"

Lisa shook her head, trying to prove Jisoo wrong. "No. I love Taehyung oppa," she sternly said.

"Who exactly are you trying to convince here? Me or you?" Jisoo giggled, shaking her head as she left the orange-haired girl.

>> 1 month later, after BLACKPINK's comeback stage for As If It's Your Last <<

Night came, and they finally were back in their dorm at about 10PM. Just as when Lisa was doing her skin care routine, she heard her phone ring. She picked it up, knowing who it was already. "Yes, oppa?"

"Ah, Lisa," Taehyung beamed. "I was trying to call you over and over, guess you've just finished your shoot?"

"Yeah . . . today was actually exhausting. But let's talk," Lisa told him.

"I . . . I actually have something to tell you . . . are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm not free for the next two months, actually." Lisa giggled. "You know, the comeback and all, followed by our Japan debut showcase. We have a lot of things going on for the next two months or so."

Taehyung seemed uneasy, and Lisa noticed this. Lisa sighed, somhow already predicting this to happen. She already knew what he was going to tell her. "I can make time tonight, actually. Where should we meet?"

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