101 | Cupid Down

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— M A N O B A N —f i r s tp e r s o n

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— M A N O B A N —
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

It's the third day that BTS' maknae line have been living with us. Apparently, the hyung line are losing their sanity bit by bit. Sure, they can cause chaos too, but not up till the maknae line's extent.

    The hyung line has found peace and boredom without the three. And so, Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie have come to a rash decision that they all live with us.

    I know, peachy. Chaeyoung will be sleeping in my room, Jisoo unnie will sleep in Jennie unnie's. Namjoon and Taehyung oppa will sleep in Chaeng's room, Jimin and Hoseok oppa will sleep in Jisoo unnie's. Then, Jungkook, Jin and Yoongi oppa in the living room.

    They preferred to sleep in the living room, anyway. Our living room was — not to brag — exquisite. I would love to sleep there, too. However, I won't risk the boys seeing me drool all over the place.

    Sleeping at the living room was very convenient. If nature's calling, then you can head to the right for the loo. If you're hungry, then you can head to the left for the kitchen. If you wanna relax, watch some Netflix on our television.

    The boys didn't realise this, though. Sad for them.

    Jungkook had his own reasons of why here preferred the living room, too. This boyfriend was mine was too sweet. He just wanted to make sure that he could hear me or maybe come to me right away if I needed him since my room was the closest to the living room.

    So, here's the fourth day. Now, with all of the BTS members living with us. Won't this be peachy?

    And for four consecutive days, I've had different nightmares already. All were about Lean unnie, which reminded me to check on her today.

    It was really weird — what was with her, now? I finally got pulled her out of my life, what does she want now? Why does she keep haunting me in my dreams?

    Here I am, on my bed, inhaling and exhaling deeply as I was trying to catch my breath. I just woke up from another nightmare about Lean unnie.

    Chaeyoung left the room to get me some water for me to drink. And as expected, she entered with Jungkook and Jennie unnie tailing behind her.

    “Lali, here.” She quickly handed me a glass of water which I immediately drank up.

    Jungkook sat besides me, tracing circles on my back. After drinking the water, I laughed at their reactions. “Seriously. You don't need to be so tensed. It's not like me having nightmares is new——”

    “That's the problem.” Chaeyoung grunted. “You having nightmares isn't new. It eventually went away and now it's back. Why is that? There must be a reason.”

    Jennie unnie sighed, speaking up. “I suggest you go to a psychologist.”

    “What?” I furrowed my eyebrows. “Yah, this is all normal. I'm fine!” I kicked the air and waved my arms here and there. “See? Fine!” I gave them a reassuring grin which I hoped would work.

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