026 | I Don't Like You

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Dedicated to lalipriya if you know what I mean. ;) Okay, I'm not confident if you'll like this one. But I tried, I guess?

- J E O N -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- J E O N -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .


"I think this thing's broken," Jungkook grunted, lightly slamming the controls. Lisa chuckled at this, shaking her head. The male hid a smile, finding her once again adorable.

Lisa stood up, triumphantly shrugging as she made her way to the claw machine. A familiar memory escaped through Jungkook's mind, remembering how she was still his wallpaper.

"Want me to take a pic of you here? The light are all aesthetic and stuff," Lisa casually told Jungkook, forgetting everything for today.

Jungkook shook his head. "You? Want me to take a pic of you?" Lisa also shook her head, staring at the lights among them. "How about us? Let's take a selfie here or something."

Lisa shrugged, handing him her phone. Jungkook sighed, and was going to hand Lisa's phone back to type the password in, but Jungkook stopped upon remembering something.

A victorious smirk plastered on his face, which made Lisa confused for a second. "Is your password . . . perhaps the same?" He wiggled his eyebrows, typing in his birth date.

Lisa's eyes widened at this, confirming that Jungkook did see her password that day. That was embarrassing. Once Jungkook entered his birth date, her phone vibrated, saying, "The password you entered is incorrect."

This made the male pout, a bit disappointed. "Can I try something else?" Jungkook asked, looking like a cute little bunny as he dawned his eyes towards her.

"Sure, sure, go ahead," she nonchalantly mumbled, swaying her hand.

Jungkook gulped, unable to believe that he was actually trying another attempt to confirm something. He typed '123095', and he was unaware that he was breaking his own heart at the process.

Her phone unlocked.

"Y-you know . . ." the male mumbled, opening her camera up. "You shouldn't make other people's birthdays your password."

"He's my boyfriend--"

"Yeah, I know, I know," Jungkook cut her off before she breaks his heart even more. He shyly rubbed his nape, looking at the female's Timberlands. "Can I set your password for you, doll?"

Lisa's forehead creased, finding what he said rather peculiar. "What? And what if you don't tell me--"

She was cut off when he chuckled, and this made her even more confused as she already was. "Do you trust me?"

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