064 | 2nd Date In The City Of Love

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— J E O N   &   K I M , T —t h i r dp e r s o n

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— J E O N   &   K I M , T —
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Jungkook and Taehyung had been oddly quiet in the van. They've been to attentive over whatever the youngest was doing on his phone.

    To be completely honest, the boys badly wanted to find out what the two were fussing about. However, they didn't want to interrupt them since they both seemed too . . . occupied.

    “Here, here, here!” The two suddenly fussed.

    “Drop us off here, please!” Taehyung requested rather cutely.

    The driver stopped, and the boys couldn't help but look around, just to realise that the two had been planning to go to the Eiffel tower. Well why didn't they say so?

    “Boys, you need to go back to the hotel——” Sejin tried to tell them.

    However, it was obviously no use. In a blink of an eye, the boys already spreed off, probably already doing something outrageous. And if he ever finds them bungee jumping from the top of the tower, he wouldn't be surprised.

    Sejin just sighed to himself, mentally contemplating on why he chose to stay in his job in the first place.

    So, why did the golden and fake maknae plot to come here you ask? Simple. Jungkook just needs to know where Lisa is so they could completely reconcile (even if they didn't really argue), and Taehyung wanted to find out the answer to his little superstition.

    Under the Eiffel tower. That's where the girls are going the two gents. Jungkook and Taehyung were roaming around, hoping that they could eye the four. Hopefully, only Sehun and Kai — where none of the girls were present.

    As they were roaming around, they heard a rather powerful voice call them. “Oi!

    Their heads snapped in an instant, only to be invited by Jennie (who was the one who called them in a surprising French tone) and Lisa peacefully sitting at a café near the Eiffel Tower. The two gents sighed in relief, seeing that they weren't with the two men from EXO.

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